
Any Restaurants open after 11:00pm??

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My date and I are looking for any good restaurant

open after 11:00 pm...

i live in the area of McAllen TX..

I know is kind of hard finding one...

but if any one know about a good restaurant that is still open...

and could inform me...

i would be very thankful...




  1. Mc. Donalds!

  2. I mean it really just depends on the day of the week for a lot of places.  Like applebees and other places here is open till like 2am on the weekends.  I don't know the area you live in, but there are some chains that are open 24 hours. Like waffle house, perkins, Ihop.  We have lot's of places here that are open late, but I wouldn't know if you have them there.  We have a popular place that's called stir fry, but it's also kind of a bar.    There are tons of fast food places that are open late.  Maybe just get your phone book and call some places and ask around?

  3. Dennys

  4. A. Denny's Restaurant - - (956) 687-2242

    B. Denny's - - (956) 928-0166

    C. Denny's - - (956) 973-0550

    D. Denny's - - (956) 488-2522

    E. Taco Bell - - (956) 994-0700

    F. Denny's Restaurant - - (956) 423-4117  

    G. Hooters - - (956) 971-9464

    H. Casa Del Taco - - (956) 631-8193

    I.   Taco Bell - - (956) 781-5104

    J. Taco Bell - - (956) 383-1005

    or check out the websites below:

  5. mc.donalds?????????

  6. Whattaburger is 24 hrs/day,

    Denny's and Waffle House if you have them.

    TGIF and the like are open till 2am where I live.

  7. Don't kno about TX...but most rest. stop serving at 10pm.

    There's always a few "Open 24-hours" ones...Look in your locale Yellow Pages...if no one answers you here.

  8. taco bell

  9. McDonalds=]

  10. Red Lobster, Olive Garden.

  11. well we have waffle house, huddle house, dennys, ihop, perkins,

    and whataburger.  


  12. jack in the box

  13. i think almost all the fast food resturants are open 24-7

  14. Not sure, but isn't the IHOP 24 hour?  here's the number if you'd like to call and check:

    (956) 682-5913

  15. After 11 you are only going to get c**p like Waffle House, Denny's, or the best of the three IHop

  16. try searching by your city and they'll give you good restaurants by rating.

    see if those restaurants have a website and it'll have the hours.

    i'm sure there's some :]

  17. Armando's Pizza  2000 Nolana  630-2791

    Cici's Pizza  2702 N. 10th  664-2299

    Funtime Pizza  400 W. Nolana #H  682-0000

    Iannelli's Ristorante Italiano  2316 N. 10th  631-0666

    Mr. Gatti's  3420 N. 10th  687-1537

    Olive Garden  222 Expwy 83  618-1188

    Applebee's  514 E. Expwy 83  686-8484

    Applebee's 2  4601 N. 10th  618-0600

    Black Eyed Pea  606 E. Expwy 83  682-3205

    Chili's  501 Expwy 83  971-0213

    Denny's  1110 S. 10th  687-2242

    Fuddruckers  111 E. Nolana  631-3833

    Kettle  1800 S. 10th  631-8404

    Pepper's  4800 N. 10th  631-2082

    Denny's   1110 S. 10th   687-2242

    Taco Cabana  815 N. 10th   618-2227

    Whataburger  1412 E. Jackson  682-0166

    Int'l House of Pancakes  1900 S. 10th   682-5913

    Le Bistro  709 N. 10th  682-3419

    Le Gourmet Coffee House  5401 N. 10th  687-3010

    Scandinavian Coffee Veranda  2601 W. Pecan  686-2143


    Aguililla's  121 N. Main  686-7645

    Alonso's Escorial Restuarant  4501 N. 10th  686-1160

    Casa del Taco  1100 Houston Ave  631-8193

    Don Juan's  1610 N. 23rd  631-3116

    Jesse's #1  501 N. 10th  686-1954

    Johnny's Mexican Food  1010 Houston Ave  686-9061

    Pancho's Mexican Buffet  2622 N. 10th  631-7626

    China Wok  3711 N. 10th  686-1454

    Golden Dragon  2006 N. 10th  686-2624

    Golden Rose 601 W. Expwy 83 686-6504

    House of China 4008 North 10th Street Tel (956) 631-0188

    Shogun Japanese Steakhouse  2920 N. 10th  682-1115

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