
Any Russian men out there? Please tell me what you think of American women!?

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Whether you know any personally or not, what are your presumptions and stereotypes? I already know many Russian men don't like American "feminism" but I'm looking for more specifics. I've already posted this question but all the answers came from non-Russians!




  1. a genuine Russian is an Ostsee German actually, and i’m one! Since Russia is still old-fashioned country they are not into feminism; they follow old French etiquette; EG: a man should hold the door and let a lady in front of himself; a man should be helpful to a lady in her getting from the bus; a man should give his place to a standing lady, and the like;

    a husband is assumed to be the head of the family, while his wife must be wise enough to be his neck to turn the head in correct direction and pretend that her good ideas belong to him;

    read this after English rules, stress being on capital letters!

    KahkAWy ty OOmny! (you are so clever);

    ah ty nit-chevAW! (you look to me on a nice side);

    oobeerEE rOOki! (off with your hands);

    so what if she’s fat? Russians say: the more of good woman the better! LOL!

    One Russian bragging to another:

    -my wife has beautiful eyes . . . he says dreamily.

    -and what is the rest of hers?

    -the rest of hers? Her axx for sure!

  2. I will be honest with you I hope you'll forgive me. I am russian male (born and raised in russia), and I live in US now, so I know what most russian males living in america say (and think) about american women. Of course they compare them to russian girls. You are right regarding "feminism", which makes women less feminine (read 'less sexual'). Next, young american women (before 35 and even 40) are fat in average comparing to young russian girls. I am amazed to see that a high school girl 16 y.o. is already fat, no waistline, huge *** and legs and a gutty stomach. I guess american men just do not have anything to choose from so they have to get together with these fatties. You can see a big difference especially when you spend some time back in russia. Girls there are just a dream and most are with great bodies.  Next american girls are too independent  and therefore seem to be "closed", often ignorant, hard to get a contact/chemistry with them. However they are very friendly (this is a plus) but again cold. My advice please be warmer with your russian friend and use your friendliness and ability to smile which is given to americans from the childhood. Good luck.

  3. listen here girl, i'm practically born in america and live in a big russian neighborhood and from the experience i had with russian guys online and real life, i can say most of them dream of hooking up with american girls. many guys i spoke russian with told me how sick they are of their own girls cuz so many of them are whores. i don't care if i get thumbs down for this cuz i speak the truth it's from MY OWN REAL EXPERIENCE of dealing with russian guys for many years and i know the truth hurts. in one guy's own words, NOT MINE, he called russian girls "soulless glamour dolls" who only care to meet guys with money or americans for legalization through marriage. another guy said a few russian girls he dealt with had venerial diseases that he caught and many of his buddies caught diseases from girls in russia. there was even this one recording of a skype conversation that was spread like a wildfire among russians of a very graphic conversation between a russian guy and girl who were total strangers. he got her number from a friend who "recommended" her. so up front he asked to hook up with her for a night of group s*x with him and 3 of his buddies. she agreed literally 5 minutes into the conversation with this total stranger. all she asked was "bring 2 bottles of vodka for me and something to eat, preferably a whole chicken". case in point? russians think very highly of american women. so go get em tiger! :)

  4. Tiggeress,

    What you describe exists in every nations - there are "bad girls" and "good girls" here and elsewhere. I am a Russian woman, and have a few Russian female friends who are HOT, but are typical good girls (married, love their husbands, cook for them, do house work etc). My sister-in-law was a model, for God sakes, yet she managed to avoid drugs, alchohol, smoking, partying, changing boyfriends every month etc - something many American girls far less good-looking and desirable than her often do "just because". I know my brothers and I know that the women they married had to live up to certain expectations my parents had for daughters-in-law. Just because some Russian girls confuse "s**y" and "S****y" dress styles (Hands up, I admit our women do have this problem) does NOT make them s***s. Two-three example you gave do not apply to the whole nation. Sorry, but that is true.

    Surlygurl, I wish you the best of luck with the Russian man. I know for a fact that many are looking for a "homey" girl, someone they can come home to and cuddle with, and not someone who will be quoting feminist theories from Simone De Bovoir's 'Second gender'. Learning to cook and possibly to knit will be a great asset (cooking comes first though :)).

  5. As russian i can say-american women different just in one,they more unhealthy,i will never try to eat a part of american woman,because i think i will kill my stomach),you know women in Texas on 60% fat,its because you eat too much unhealthy fast foods,here in Russia we dont eat fast foods,in Russia women after job day are cooking dishes to their men,thats all difference)))...

    Ja super woman Soidenennih Shtatov Ameriki i tyebye sladyinkiy luche poslushat' menya,v dushe my vsye odinakovi,ya hochu tyebya! Idy ko mnye moya vkusnyashka)

    I'm a super woman of the United States of America and sweaty for you better to listen me,we are both same in our soul,i want you! Go to me mine candy)

  6. I'm not Russian, but I think that Russian males usually prefer the women of their own country, because they are much prettier ( Anna Kournikova, wow )

    And I think most of non-Americans just don't like the american cliché of "s*x in the city"...You know what I mean, women who pick men for their wallet and leave them as if a man was a toy...

  7. .. I'm Russian ... but i can not answer your question ... read all that trash americans and pro - americans wrote ... how after that Russians can think about that nation. I am not bad mannered ... and I respect women all over the world ... but I can not stand such naive  stuff and nonsense.

    Thats why I'll better find a pretty girl from Russia.

  8. Ah you crush on Russians too?



  9. just checking, but you do know that with time zones and everything, a lot of the russians are asleep right now, right?

    try posting this at, like, 9am eastern time-you might get better results.

  10. American wemen looking beter when not chewing gum with the mouth open.  Looking better when no wearing so mach cosmetic.

    Many times prudish.

    Say to your friend:

    You are "Kraseebee" crazy boy.

    krasibi (kpacyBbiy) means handsome and sounds sort of close to ''crazy B"

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