
Any Scorpios out there with a Sagittarius?

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I love my Sagittarius woman to death... and astrology really doesn't have anything on it. Ha ha. I'm sort of reassuring myself, but I'd love to hear your answers! =]




  1. if you love her so much s***w what the astrology or anybody else says, the only thing that matters is that YOU love her. im a scorpio myself and my gf is a sagittarius, no lie, and we are doing great, i actually read once that that is a bad match, thats a LIE

  2. I am a Sagittarius and I have no problem with Scorpios. Many of my good friends are Scorpios. I find Scorpios to be extremely loyal, loving and caring.During our hard times we used to hold hands and have helped each other.Scorpios and Sagittarius have a lot to learn from one another.If I have to choose between a Leo and a Scorpio I would choose a Scorpio without a second thought. I have mars and Pluto in Scorpio. GOOD LUCK!!!

  3. I'm a Scorpio woman and I seem to keep falling for 3rd decanate Sagittarius. Sun sign compatibility reports are not really that reliable, since they don't take in mind other important planetary placements of one's chart. Check for your Venus. Could be in Sag which is why you probably found her attractive in the first place.

  4. This relationship can definitely work if the Scorpio loves you to. A Scorpio is passionate and can find it difficult to settle down. However, once they have settled down the relationship will last for a long time.

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