
Any Spanish Speakers on here, i need help.?

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i recieved this message in an e-mail but i cant understand everything it's saying. if you can please translate it for me that would be helpful thanks.

the heading read: "undelivered mail returned to sender" and this was the message.


Lancha Paglietini Gaseloux Modelo 82 con Evinrude 140 Impecable, en Perfecto estado lista para usar y Disfrutar.. U$S 7.000 Tapizados Borello 4 Butacas Back to Back (Nuevo) Alfombra Alto Rendimiento Nueva Barra Acero Inoxidable Cromada Sky Corta Batería Automático (no hace falta desconectar la batería) Filtro Nafta Ultra Pro Escalerita de Popa (atrás) Escalerita de Proa (adelante) Todos los elementos de Seguridad (Matafuegos-Chalecos Salvavidas-Bengalas-Fondeo) Estero Sanyo CD - MP3 Parlantes Sanyo Listones en Madera en Proa Una Clásica de Aquellas en perfecto estado de conservación y funcionamiento. Motor atendido por Barri (Mecánico Náutica Sarthou) y la lancha está en la Guardería Sarthou en galpón de toda la vida y con toldo cubre lancha. Papeles al dia - Titular Comunicarse al 155-419-6028 o por mail a




  1. it's a message about boats and have to send an email.. the message could be from spain

  2. looks like spam.

    but try

    or the language tools on the google home page

  3. call 1-800-speak-spanish

  4. I can't translate the whole thing, but it is an advertisement for a used boat for sale.  It says to call 155-419-6028 or e-mail for information.  By the Spanish and phone number, I think it is from Spain and not Mexico.

  5. Boat Paglietini Gaseloux Model 82 with 140 Evinrude impeccable, in perfect condition and ready to use Enjoy .. U S $ 7,000 Tapizados Borello 4 Seats Back to Back (New) Carpet High Yield New Stainless Steel Bar chromium Sky Walking Automatic Battery (no need to disconnect the battery) Filter Nafta Ultra Pro Escalerita of Popa (back) Escalerita of Bowman (forward) All elements of Security (Matafuegos-lifejackets-Flares-Funding) Estero Sanyo CD - MP3 Speakers Sanyo bar in Wood in Bowman One of Those Classic in perfect state of preservation and operation. Motor served by Barri (Mechanic Sarthou Boating) and the boat is in the Nursery Sarthou warehouse in life-and awning covers boat. Papers a day - Communicate Holder to 155-419-6028 or by mail to

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