
Any Star Wars fan satisfied with The Clone Wars?

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Is it a good one? Will the series be any good?




  1. It will satisfy you it you actually know what it is supposed to be.  It was never supposed to be a movie ... it wasn't until Lucas and company were watching some of the finished episodes for the TV show on a theater sized screen that the idea popped into Lucas's head ... hey, what do you all think about taking the pilot for this series and giving fans a chance to see it on the big screen.  Sounded like a good idea so they went with it.

    This movie is NOT another "episode" of the saga ... it is the pilot for the series that will debut this fall on The Cartoon Network ... that is it.  So if you go to this movie thinking you're going to see the same kind of grand sweeping story line that the 6 live action movies had then you will be not be satisfied because that's not what it is and not what it was ever meant to be.

    The number of uninformed opinions and questions that have come about this movie is mind boggling.  It does show one thing pretty clearly though ... the "new" fans that have come with the release of the prequels don't have a clue about what Star Wars really is and what it is really about.  I find that profoundly sad because this IS one of the greatest stories ever told and to have people say they are fans of it and then find out that they don't really know anything about Star Wars ... it's just sad.

    I saw the movie of course and I thought it was pretty good ... in the context of what it was meant to be.  The new animation process that LucasFilm Animation has developed under Dave Feloni is going to set new standards in the field.

    The series ... using this movie as a guide ... it will be better than good.  Only time will tell.  It is nice to see that Lucas is finally doing something FOR the fans.  That's what this whole movie and new series are about ... fans have been calling for info about what really happened in the many battles of the Clone Wars and now we are going to get it.  It is going to mess with the already established time line of events a little but if there is one thing everybody knows about Lucas ... his "time line" of events is always changing.  It would be nice if he would say "I changed it because ..." but all he ever says is that was just a concept or my personal favorite ... "My comments were taken out of context" ... if he had a dollar for every time he has said that in his life he would have more money that all that he has made on this saga.

    In the end, if you're more than a casual fan this movie will be a decent experience as it will start answering all those questions we have about the Clone Wars.  If not you're probably not going to like it and not understand what is actually going on.

    May The Force Be With You ...

  2. im a pretty big star wars fan, and i was not satisfied with the movie. the animation was ok, but the plot is a bit stupid, the fighting lacks proper styles and forms (makashi, ataru, etc), the just attacked each other. the jokes were too silly and the relationship between ashoka and anakin was kiddy and i think out of place. it seemed to me very half-assed and just a way to show off animation styles

  3. I work at a theater, and I'll be honest I've never liked the star wars movies. Say what you will they just aren't my cup of tea. But the newest offering from ole George has been drawing a decent crowd... of nine year olds.  

    So I'd say that soon, very soon these cartoon versions of your beloved series are going to be straight to DVD.

    I don't think it really satisfies anyone over the age of 14.  

  4. it was alright i think. but i guess im not a really hardcore fan. but i liked it. and i hope you will appreciate it

  5. I haven't been satisfied since Empire strikes back.

  6. "The Clone Wars" would have played better on TV. As a theatrical film, it wasn't anywhere near the quality of the other "Star Wars" episodes. I still plan to watch the show when it comes on this fall, but the movie was a disappointment despite some cool-looking animation.

  7. yes, i'm a star wars fan and i'm satisfied with it

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