
Any Suggestions - ACNE!?

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I have a reallly spotty forhead. I am 15 and have tried loads of creams etc .

Any suggestions? or any creams you have tried that actually work?

Please dont leave sarcastic or rude comments its not funny.




  1. Get a hardcore tan lol im 17 and my backs pretty bad my doc said the stuff stores sell 90% of the time is bullcrap he told me lay in the sun get a great tan and poof! problem solved lol works great

  2. Just wash your face 4 times a day with apricot scrub. that should work good . You can find it in Target or Walmart.

  3. Don't worry about it dude you will grow out of it naturally like I did. Just forget about it man.

  4. Tree tea Oil works really well so does freederm cream.

  5. Stop the creams and lotions time to treat your inner and outter self. refer here

  6. neurotrogena it's in a small tube and it's orange and it says it takes down spots in 8 hours (it actually does)

    just slap on some and your good to go xD

    and if you have any scars then use Bio Oil it really helps to give you a really

    nice finish



  7. One thing that works for me is DIY home remedies.

    Homemade acne treatments are usually considered as a primary remedy for acne. Acne is a skin problem which includes different manifestations such as pimples, white heads, and black heads. The treatment for acne is one of the most searched topics since it will cause permanent scars in the face if left untreated. Most people, especially teenagers, want to get rid of acne as it affects their glamour and attractiveness. Of course, who does not want to become beautiful?

    Home made treatments are appreciated for acne since most of the applications are external. The impact studies of the treatment are not necessarily required since it is not consumed internally. Side effects are also less since most of the ingredients are natural items.

    Homemade treatments start with careful cleaning of the skin. Rosewater is usually suggested in most of the treatments. Low concentrated alcohol is also suggested in a few treatments for cleaning. Milk and curd are recommended for the cleaning of those affected by dry skin. Cleaning is important in acne treatment because it removes the dirt in the skin and opens up the pores. Oatmeal is used for both cleaning the face and as a face pack for the treatment.


    The most popular ingredient in the face pack, which is used in various compositions, according to the nature of the skin. Studies have proven that turmeric has an inherent bactericidal property. In addition, it also acts as a skin nourishment and coloring agent, which fades the scars in the face. In case of oily skin, turmeric is mixed with rosewater to make the paste; where as for dry skin, milk cream or curd is preferred. Turmeric can be mixed with certain medicinal herbs, if the acne is infected. The combination with fresh fruits is also common for acne treatment. Turmeric and lemon juice is one of the most effective combinations.


    Another major ingredient in the treatment packs. Honey is either directly applied or mixed with lemon juice. The honey and apple combination is a popular home acne treatment while the leaves of fenugreek and mint are also applied in paste form with honey or with out since both are bactericidal and oxygenic. Multana miti paste is also used in the home acne treatment.

    Corn Flour and Egg

    Mix them in a bowl to create a paste, apply to your face and leave it on for an hour and clean your face thoroughly with water.


    Cucumber peel and extract is an excellent skin-refreshing component. It attacks the acnes on your skin and makes you look vibrantly beautiful. You can even make a paste with crushed cucumber and apply it well over the face. Just leave the paste to dry for thirty to forty five minutes and then clean off with cold clear water.

    Fresh Mint

    Apply fresh mint juice on the acne affected areas overnight. Wash your face the next morning.


    Dab crush cloves of garlic on affected areas and leave it on for half an hour. Wash your face thoroughly with water. It is effective in reducing pimple swelling and eliminating other forms of skin irritation.

    Ice Cube

    Held against a pimple bump for about fifteen minutes can help lessen the inflamed appearance.

    Lemon Juice

    Dab it on your pimples or mix it with water to use as a facial wash


    Apply it to your pimples, its alkaline properties will effectively reduce swelling.


    Apply some on your pimple bump before you go to bed. Wash it off the next morning and you will notice the swelling has gone down. Note that toothpaste does not cure acne.

    Warm Salted Water

    Use it to wash your face twice a day and you will enjoy an oil-free complexion for the rest of the day.

    All Fruit Diet

    Eliminate the toxins from your body and rejuvenate your system by resorting to an all fruit diet for a week every month. Focus only on fresh, juicy fruits like apricot, apples, grapefruit, guava, olive, papaya, pears and pineapples. This will not only cleans your system but also improve your vitality.

    Go Green

    Give the pizza and ice cream the dump. Opt for fresh green vegetables instead. These are rich in essential vitamin and minerals and help in detoxification.

    Water Baths

    A hot Epsom salt bath taken two-times a week may prove to be beneficial. Alternatively, bathing the affected area with Castile and Calendula extract mixed with warm water can be beneficial.

    Steam Bath

    Local application of hot fomentation should open up the pores draw out the waste material. A hot steam application should always be followed with rinsing with cold water to close the open pores.

    Heal the Body

    Correct the diseases inside your body to cure the acne. Beetroot is extremely beneficial for the liver. The herb milk thistle protects the liver. Keeping the liver healthy will in turn help prevent acne. Apples and Psyllium husk are excellent for cleansing the bowels and preventing build-up of mycotoxin producers.

    Cooking Procedure

    All food that you eat sh

  8. Sebomin or Acnamino tablets from your doctor x

  9. Wash your face regularly

    Apply the juice of almost all the fruits and vegetables like lemon, orange, apple, grapes, potato, tomato, carrot, etc.

    The below link may help you a lot.


    works so good.

  11. I used to have the same problem as you i started using clearasil and that didn't work but one of my favourite shops ' Lush ' has these fresh face masks which is great for spots and there is one especially for teenages

    Also look at this site for some help :

    It's great and has some tips in there on how to control them and get rid of them.

    Hope this helps and good luck with this :)

  12. hi

    try tea tree oil  

  13. try this information it will help you

  14. Tea Tree face wash always worked well for me.

    Please note you can see a GP. and he can prescribe antibiotics which genuinely do remove acne, although its only given in extreme cases and not as a 'facial improvement'.

  15. I had mild acne for few years, it bothered me a lot and i hated it.

    my mom insisted on taking me to the doctors and they prescribed me  lotion which i put on twice a day.

    She also gave me a routine which i have stuck 2 for the past 3 and a half weeks and my spots are nearly all gone and very unnoticeable.

    You should see you doctor as it has worked really well for me and now i feel more comfortable.

    hope this helped :)


  16. Creams never worked for me when i had acne.

    I went to my doctors and they sent me to see the dermatologist and he put me on tablets which can only be prescribed by them as they are real strong. They really work, i highly recommend them.

    Book an appointment at your doctors and ask to be referred to the dermatologist.


  17. yeah first use clearasil face wash, then tea tree oil face wash  which you can get from the body shop everymorning and night

    the body shop tea tree range is excellent

    also exfoliate regularly, and use a hot compress about 4 times a week

    ice brings down redness and leaving a little toothpasteon the spot overnight brings it down  

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