
Any Swiss people out there?

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So you are multinational... good :-) Living in Geneva ?




  1. I'm Canadian, been living in Zurich since 2001. (Kinda ready to leave...) Sometimes my Swiss daughter answers for me. Does that count?

    Answers to your additional details questions: (Can you do that in Answers?)  I'm from Montreal and yes I wanna go hoooooooooooooome.

  2. used to live in switzerland. god i hate those french swiss.

  3. I'm an American with Swiss heritage. First relative, from Bern, came to this country in 1742, having sailed from Amsterdam to Philadelphi on the William. Name was Jaggi or Yaggi which, I understand, means "chocolate" in the Swiss/German spoken language. Appropriate for my sweet tooth!!!

    Question: Am looking for a female college student in Switzerland to be my personal tour guide. Don't yet know when making this trip. Have never been there. Could you provide names of a couple of universities? Also, do they have sororities? Thanks.

  4. Yes ME! I'm also British and Belgian. How's that for being a true European?

    Haven't figured out how to answer you - I just get 'you've already answered this question' - so hopefully you'll read it here.

    Born in England, brought up in Belgium and now living in the mountains of Ovronnaz Switzerland (Valais). Married to a Swiss. Another French speaking Uni is Neuchatel.

  5. @brenda starr - Jaggi or Yoggi (for chocolate), that's hilarious. In swiss german it's called Schoggi. Or for american people, remove the "c", then it's Shoggi (spelled like (f)oggy but with a harder "g") ;-))))))

  6. Yep petite fée - french part.

    Sounds we are not THAT much though here but no wonder...

    Where you from?

    Petite Fée, been born in Lausanne, been living 5 years in GVA during studies, now back.

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