
Any Tips About Camping With A 2 Year Old?

by Guest58398  |  earlier

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We're going camping this weekend with our 2 year old and we need suggestions about:

Sleeping arrangements (we're only using 1 tent)

Things to keep her occupied

Items to buy that would come in handy

Food that she'll eat that doesn't require a microwave

ANYTHING and everything you can tell me that would be of help, I would really appreciate!!

We're kinda scared about the trip with her!!




  1. Just HAVE FUN!  And bring a cage (playpen)

  2. Just have fun and bring an play area (For kids).

    And dont worry about it so much ! Just enjoy it

    and have alot of fun. Hope I helped. Good Luck =]

  3. Get a sleeping bag she likes to add comfort. Let her pick it out. If she is scared put her between you two to sleep she will feel protected. Bring a ball and check out your dollar store for things like bug catchers and such, BRING FIRST AID!!! I would buy a kit and also get things for bug bites and stings. If she has any allergies bring stuff for that. (always better safe then sorry) cereal is always good, crackers, and snacks, check the toddler section for food and juice.

  4. I would just be extra careful around the campfire or grill.  Also, make sure to watch her at night and make sure she doesn't get up and leave the tent.  Personally I would find it hard to tent camp with a 2 year old, but that's just me.  If it were me I would be more comfortable with an RV.

    Make sure you have bug spray, sunblock, first aid kit and make sure you know where the ranger station is in relation to your campsite.

  5. hi there.

    You and your daughter are going to have a great time!

    we took our son camping when he was 2, and he loved it.

    we went to Newquay, and it was fantastic!

    Food - take stuff you know she likes. i took things like cous cous, baked beans, bread, soups etc.

    To keep her occupied: many children find that camping is enough to keep them occupied! If you are camping in a field, take some books that show all kinds of wildlife that you are likely to find, and then you can hunt fr animals!

    also tak ecolouring books etc.

    Items to buy:Just anything you may need eg:camping stove etc.

    Also check out whats available to the kids in the area you are going to, for example i took my son to Newquay, and spent a day at Newquay Zoo, he had a great day!!

  6. This one is important-make sure when you zip the tent at night before you go to sleep that you put the zipper high. otherwise you will have an escapee on your hands in the middle of the night. Lots of smores-and something to ride on(wagon etc)

  7. My advice is DON"T!        2 is too young.

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