
Any Tips On Loosing Weight? 10 Points For Best Answer?

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Im Nearly 17..No Fancy Meals Plz Just Like Whats Better Than Eating Crisps And Cake And Exersising Tips..Baring In Mind I Cant Run Due To Two Knee Dislocations Or Anything Like That.. Cheers




  1. Working out…

    If you want to cut out calories, eat only 1200 calories a day

    1 pound = 3,500 calories

    You should work out between 30-90 minutes, but no longer

    because then you'll feel exhausted and lazy, and plus it's just

    not good for you.

    The more muscle you build, the more calories you burn just

    laying around the house, watching TV, etc.

    Foods such as popcorn and yogurt and salads are good


    Or, not in to working out that’s okay…

    Eat nourishing food with plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables being part of it. Chew each morsel at least 32 times. This will activate signal to the brain as soon as u have had enough. Besides this change in eating style, take regular light exercises and brisk walks every day. U will be able to gain/shed all extra weight gracefully and in a reasonable time span.

    dog for a walk. Take yourself for a walk. You have to get up and get moving. If you walk for half an hour every day, the pounds will slide off your body. You don't need weights or anything fancy, just go outside and move

    for 30 minutes.

    good luck!

  2. I tried diet after diet and just kept getting fatter. Exercising til exhaustion, starving, pills, special foods...  Since January I have lost about 80 pounds and kept it off! I give credit to hot tea and attitude. I drink about 3-4 cups of hot tea per day, including 1 cup BEFORE eating breakfast. Tea is healthy for you and I do think the tea helps with my bored/stressed eating so if you're an emotional eater it may help you too. I only eat now when i'm actually hungry, not bored, and I think it's the tea. I think stress and attitude can also play a big role in your weight so try to have a positive attitude and take the little things with a grain of salt. Surround yourself with positive people who like to be active and make you feel good about yourself. Happy people are more active and get more exercise than depressed people. Sometimes its hard, but happiness or not, can be a choice you make.  P.S. Besides the tea i'm not on a special diet. I still eat ice cream, cookies, chocolate, and pig out at the buffet sometimes... I haven't looked into any fitness/weight loss sources, but I do get prevention magazine ( and I think it's a wonderful source for all kinds of stuff.

  3. P90 is a program by tony horton it gets you lean and ripped

    look it up on google or something

  4. • Here you go. It is not that hard to lose weight. You simply have to burn more calories than you take in.

    Don’t less all this blow confuse you remember all you have to do to lose weight is to burn more calories than you take in.

    I weight about 210which means I must eat about 2500 cal a day to maintain weight. To cut fat I drop down to 1900 cal a day, eating every 2 or 3 hours. Every meal revolving around protein. I only eat complex carbs, no refined carbs (ex look at the ingredients in bread if it is enriched or bleached then it is not 100% wheat) I also don’t eat carbs after2 o’clock. As for cardio I do HITT training (Google that) HITT will allow you to burn fat while maintaining muscle. I also do some weights 3 times a week. if you don’t want to work out or work out so much you simply must eat less because you are not working out to expend the cal. Weights are good because muscle building will actually burn muscle.

    Breakfast Cereal with low fat milk and Low cal protein shake( muscle milk light or gold standard whey)

    mid morning snake" Nuts of some sort, or maybe some cheese( I can’t think of other good snakes right now)

    Lunch: Sandwich with 100%whole wheat bread veggies and some kind of meat with low % fat (you want to stay away from fat) keep it blow say 10% or even lower when it comes to meat

    Mid afternoon snack ( some kind of snack loaded with protein like nuts or another protein shake if you can handle that)

    Dinner ( don’t eat a big dinner) Lean source of protein like chicken, lean ground beef, top sirloin stake,

    bedtime if you go to bed around 10 and need a snack eat some low fat cottage cheese around 9 or so

    I think this diet can get you started but you need to find out what cal intake you need. There are web sites that can assist with that according to your weight and activity level.

  5. eat only 3 meals... no dessert and don't eat after 6... very easy and it works

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