
Any Tips for 7th grade, what do I need to know?

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I'm going into 7th grade and this year I wanna stand out but in the good way I wanna be funky and crazy and rocker and creative but still calm enough to get through the day...

it will be hard though b/c I go to a very small school with about 60 kids per grade so everyone know EVERYONE and I was never really excepted into any groups there just me and my one and only friend really Heidi but I do want to stand out (thats my personality I just don't show it...)

what can I do (thats on a small budget)... considering Clothes Hair Makeup Shoes (I love shoes)... especially converses**

what are some good things I can do

sorry this is so long but thanks in advance




  1. Don't even worry, you will make lots of new friends if you just be yourself. Confidence is key, and for clothes.. try some second hand stores, you can actually find some really really nice things there if you look in the right places, or if you don't like the idea of that, just look for some good bargains on clothes. and as for makeup, i suggest not to wear too much, you don't want to look like you caked it on. in my opinion, shoes can tell a lot about a person. just wear them if they suit you

  2. Just be yourself.. I know that sounds like, DUH, but it works. I was never part of a group, and I had friends that were cheerleaders, goths, punks, nerds, football players and so-forth.  But here's a few interesting things you can do:

    Get some colored hair dye, not permanent, that you can buy at Spencers.  It's brightly colored, and add a few chunky sections to your hair. It's washable, so you can add color to different parts of your hair after about 36 washes, or even go for a diffrent color if you like.

    Mix fashions... don't be afraid to mix a "prep" top with a "punk" bottom.  Just make sure they match.  Those leggings are really in and cost $5 at WalMart.  Pair them with a jean skirt and a top with a pattern and a pair of chucks, and it's made.  

    Be creative, but tasteful.

    To pull it all off, you need a little confidence.  Don't be afraid what people may say, because they don't have the confidence to do it.

    As for make-up, go easy on it.  You shouldn't be wearing it at your age because it will clog your pores and break out your skin, but if you're going to (and you probably will) go for the non-comodegenic.  It won't clog your pores and you won't have to worry about pimples.  

    Just have fun :)

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