
Any Tips for a flute exam ?:)?

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HEY, ive got my grade 4 flute exam tommorw.

any tips?

ive been practicing all day today to make up for the fact that i NEVR practice at all.

i reallly wanna pass though :)





  1. Okay, I'm doing my exam tomorrow :) I've done many before so I know who nerve racking it can be. Just relax and go in there with a big smile on your face, it will lift the examiner's mood as well as your own. When practicing the sight reading, remember to look at the key sig. and keep that in mind as you play, look for any extra accidentals and big jumps. Play with loads of dynamics, even if you're playing the notes wrong, just keep in mind that this is a music exam and it's easy to sound musical if you're using good dynamics and let's be honest, as long as you remember them, then they're not hard are they? Simple things matter too but don't beat yourself up if your exam doesn't go well, that might just be your opinion and also it's quite hard to fail completely. I hate scales with a passion, somehow I always pass them though, in piano too :) I don't know how I do it because I never seem to remember them, especially in flute. Now think of scales as easy marks that you can pick up. List all the scales and the accidentals in them, just revise that piece of paper and by the time you go into hte exam, they should just happen. If they don't then don't worry because you can make up for it with beautiful dynamics in the pieces. Try not to make the study to robotnic, make it musical and like the other pieces, imagine the study as a piece for a film; I know it doesn't really sound like one but just pretend it does and then you'll make it exciting, musical and fun. Build it up big time in the cresc. and really be dramatic with it. You want them to remember you and to forget about bad scales (that's if they are bad of course). And just think, when it's over, providing you pass (you probably will), you don't have to worry about another flute exam for a while then. When you're doing your aural, try and listen to the beats, count them the first time and then sing along and listen to hte notes the second time round maybe :) I hope I've been helpful and good luck in your exam :D

  2. Okay, I'm doing my exam tomorrow :) I've done many before so I know who nerve racking it can be. Just relax and go in there with a big smile on your face, it will lift the examiner's mood as well as your own. When practicing the sight reading, remember to look at the key sig. and keep that in mind as you play, look for any extra accidentals and big jumps. Play with loads of dynamics, even if you're playing the notes wrong, just keep in mind that this is a music exam and it's easy to sound musical if you're using good dynamics and let's be honest, as long as you remember them, then they're not hard are they? Simple things matter too but don't beat yourself up if your exam doesn't go well, that might just be your opinion and also it's quite hard to fail completely. I hate scales with a passion, somehow I always pass them though, in piano too :) I don't know how I do it because I never seem to remember them, especially in flute. Now think of scales as easy marks that you can pick up. List all the scales and the accidentals in them, just revise that piece of paper and by the time you go into hte exam, they should just happen. If they don't then don't worry because you can make up for it with beautiful dynamics in the pieces. Try not to make the study to robotnic, make it musical and like the other pieces, imagine the study as a piece for a film; I know it doesn't really sound like one but just pretend it does and then you'll make it exciting, musical and fun. Build it up big time in the cresc. and really be dramatic with it. You want them to remember you and to forget about bad scales (that's if they are bad of course). And just think, when it's over, providing you pass (you probably will), you don't have to worry about another flute exam for a while then. When you're doing your aural, try and listen to the beats, count them the first time and then sing along and listen to hte notes the second time round maybe :) I hope I've been helpful and good luck in your exam :D

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