
Any Tips for first time drinker?

by  |  earlier

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ok, so my friends birhtday party is a week away and she is insisting that i have a shot at her party

The problem is that i have never drank before, my parents are strict, and im about 20

So my concern is that i have to come back home around 12-1 and most likely my parents will be up...

What i dont want is to

A) Puke at her party

B) be drunk when come home

i will probably have ONE, maybe two shot at her party, thats about it..

so will this make me puke, and how drunk will i get? so drunk that when i get home, my parents will find out?

Also how bad will be the next mornin?

if you have any tips, then i will really appreciate like what i should eat, or should i eat, and how long before i should eat. what should i drink/eat after drinking,

Also how long will it take me to become sober again???

thanks for all the help, and im about 135 pounds




  1. If you have a full stomach of food, the alcohol won't get to you as if you hadn't eaten all day, so make sure you've eaten.

    I'd wait 2 hours after drinking before going home to make sure you can focus.

    My personal opinion is that you should never drink just because a friend insists. If she's so concerned about your happiness maybe she could 'help' you out some other way.

  2. Learn your limit , dont drink too much . Stop when you start to feel the effects and 'learn the feeling'

    You might feel two shots but thats most certainly not enough to get drunk.

  3. If you weigh 135 one shot might get you feeling a tiny little bit tipsy but deffenitely not drunk... take 2 shots youll feel a little drunk. But unless you take like 5 shots your not gonna puke and fall all over the place haha so dont worry about that. You'll feel fine in the morning as long as you know when to stop drinking, and believe me you'll know your limit.

    If you take a shot and within 10 minutes you arent feeling much, take another shot. You'll be fine trust me, been there done that.

    Just chew some gum or something so your breath doesnt smell like alcohol and your parents wont even notice.

  4. 1 shot will generally not make you puke, depending what you are shooting, it could give you a buzz though.

  5. first of all, you're 20. you shouldnt even be drinking in the first place. one drink is all it takes to impair your driving and since its your first drink ever, itll probably have more of an effect on you bc youre not used to it. so my advice is,, dont drink!!

  6. if youre that worried about it, dont drink.

    most people only puke after a really nasty drink or when they have alcohol poisening.

    as for being drunk, i'll put this in legal perspective:  in the state of IL the legal limit to drive is .08 blood alcohol level.  that means one ounce of liquor or 10 oz. wine or 12 oz. beer in one hour.

    the adverage liver/human body completely processes one ounce of liquor(10/wine, 12beer) every 4 hours.  BUT that doesnot mean you will still be feeling the affects of the alcohol.

    as for hangovers, eat before and during drinking and drink lots of water during and after drinking.

    try not to drive, good luck

  7. eat carbohydrates.  the sugars in them will help to break down the alcohol .  get hydrated so you're pissing clear. hydrate with water after taking shot (s, trust me you'll have more than one) and until you go home.  and if you are still feeling it before you go home, just stay and say you helped clean up.  and for "seximommi" water in no way shape or form could possibly make you more intoxicated since a) water dilutes the blood lowering the concentration of alcohol molecules per volume of blood and b) yes enough water could create a feeling of drunkenness, but to say that it would make one more drunk is rediculous because in the amount of time it would take to consume 3 or more gallons of water the alcohol would have been broken down.

  8. drink alot

  9. you could get away with two shots if you do them both early in the evening.  And you can drink a cup of coffee before going home, and if you don't want to get a good buzz just make sure you snack a lot.  If you have to drive home don't drink anything.  

  10. Don't eat anything greasy before and do not drink water after or with the shot. Greasy food will upset your stomach and the water will only make you drunker.

  11. You're 20 and you've never had a run-in with alcohol? I'm surprised...

    Alrighty, here's what you do.

    One shot generally won't do anything to you. If you are a first-time drinker, you may feel something, like a little fuzzy, but it won't make you lose your sense of self. If you don't wanna look like a moron, take one shot and only one, no more than that.

    I do know, however, when you do take your first shot, your initial reaction would be to puke. There are a few things you could do to control that. First, when you take the shot, close the nasal opening in your throat. You won't be able to taste the alcohol if you can't smell. Also, it helps alot if the whiskey or whatever you're shooting is slightly warmer than room temp. If it's cold, like it's been in a fridge, it'll sting more as it goes down your throat.

    After you do take the shot, just breathe. Take af ew deep breaths because your stomach may react and your mouth may start to salivate a lot. Breathing helps to calm your stomach and it will settle after a few minutes of chilling.

    If you are afraid of feeling a buzz, you could also eat alot of bread before you go the party. The bread will soak up the alcohol and it won't get to your bloodstream quite as fast.

    Hope this helps you out.

    It's always so touching to see someone's drinking cherry getting popped.  -tear- lol

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