
Any Tipss??

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I'm going to start playing vollyball for my high school team for the first time eventhough i know our team hasn't done so well in the past years. Any tips about playing that i should have??




  1. Hey don't worry about it i was really nervous when i first started playing too! Relax and have fun everybody else is learning just like you. Here are some things you can practice:

    BUMPING:   Just practice bumping the ball and trying to get a higher number of hits at a consistant height.

    SETTING: Prettymuch the same hting as bumping as for hitting it up and consistantly. Try to make your arms spread out in a rainbow type of shape after you hit the ball.

    SPIKING: Try to get someone to throw the ball up and for you to spike it over. Try to get your jump higher up and your force harder.

    SERVING: All you can do it practice, practice, pratice!!!! Serving takes time and effort if you want to be the best.

    I know this may seem overwhelming now but soon enough you'll be the best one there! Good luck and I hope rock!


    "Volleyball is my life, everything else is just details!"

  2. I remember when I first wasn't long ago. But how I made it through? I was PASSIONATE about volleyball.  I'd want to practice day and night. I WANTED people to critisize how I play (constructedly) so I know how to improve.  I was dedicated to it...and i spend a lot of money on it...which I have a question which camp to go to...scroll up! lmao.

    But here's some major tips: Stick.your.butt.out.  This will give you a GREATER distance/reach than if your butt is down and you're just getting it.  STEP into the ball.  When you serve, practice. a lot. I sucked at serving for THE longest time...but I practiced and now, I'm almost perfect.  Hitting? GET ON TOP of the ball and SNAP.  and've GOT to relax. if you tense up while you're getting ready for the ball, you're most likely to shank it.  

    GOOD LUCK! Hope you get MVP!

  3. Volleyball ... wow oh wow.

    get acquainted with your teammates,

    it will make practicing and playing easier...

    that's the first step to take

    practice is all you need from there

  4. hmm...well really it depends on what position u are interested in playing. In the backrow u just need to make sure to watch people's hands and arms when they are hitting so that u can catch if the are gonna tip or hit, and what direction it will be going...and just go for everything.

    As a setter u just have to be very vocal and really practice A LOT because ive been setter for probly since i started playing and im still not always great.

    as a blocker just work on ur timing and really try to get ur vertical up.

    and as a hitter, work on ur approach and just play smart.

    ya....thats all i got.hope i helped.:D
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