
Any activities in the school for this coming halloween..?

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Any activities in the school for this coming halloween..?




  1. - A skeleton hunt

    (I don't know, you have a skeleton that leaves notes and the children have to follow them to find him)

    - Trick or treat around classrooms (Heathly snacks are given out)

    - A crafts time

    (Where you provide materials and they make something halloweeny out of them)

    - Decorate your own cupcake

    (Get a cupcake with frosting already on, but let them add sprinkles or something like that, and then have them eat it after their done)

    Well, I hope I helped...

  2. The children at our preschool go to different classrooms to Trick-or-Treat.  They also go to the nurse, kitchen, administrative offices, and main office.  Healthy snacks are given out at each stop.  One teacher and a floater take the kids around room to room.  The other teacher stays in the room to hand out treats.  This works very well.  The children have an option of bringing costumes to school.

  3. Our school does not officially celebrate Halloween due to strong community religious beliefs about that holiday, but we have a fall harvest celebration- same thing really. What some of the classes are doing is taking a list of spelling words, vocab words or other words the students should be familiar with, and sending a list home, asking each student to dress up as the word of their choice. It is really cute, and the kids have a lot of fun guessing what word everyone is supposed to be. It's a nice alternative to the traditional halloween, but the kids still get to dress up.

  4. Last year we had did a few activities the kids really liked.

    Tissue Paper Pumpkin

    Xeroxed copy of a pumpkin, cut out. One for each child.

    Orange tissue paper, cut into 1x1 squares

    Pencils, one per child

    liquid glue

    Take one piece of tissue paper and wrap it around the eraser end of a pencil. Dip the tissue wrapped pencil into the glue. Then press it down onto the pumpkin. Continue this process until the pumpkin is full. You end up with a cute, fluffy pumpkin. This also works with trees for cmas, hearts for valentines, shamrocks for St. Patricks etc. Just change the color of tissue.

    Monster Brains.

    Cooked spaghetti

    Veg oil-just enough to coat the spaghetti

    Peeled grapes

    small plastic toys i.e. beaded necklaces, rings, tops etc

    Mix all the ingredients together in a big bowl. Cover the bowl with a piece of plastic table cloth with hole cut in the center. The kids have to put their hand down the hold and root around in the spaghetti for a prize. They love the gooey mess!

    Carving Pumpkins

    My kids loved to help scoop out the seeds. They can draw eyes, nose, mouth etc while the adult does all the cutting.

    You can also buy the small pumpkins and the kids can decorate them with paint.

    Hope this helps!

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