
Any advice about me and my ex?

by  |  earlier

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I used to have a bf named julius in 9th grade we dated for 5 months.his friend byron told him that i was cheating.he believed byron so he called me a cheater and broke up with me =[. but i was not then he wanted for me to be his gf again so i said yes and then he was acting all goofy by not returning my calls and not saying he loves me and never holding my hand or kissing then i broke up with him FOR GOOD.TELL ME WHAT SHOULD I DO?!




  1. Move on.Youre way too young to be worrying about all this c**p so worry more about your schooling and the rest will take care of itself. There will be plenty of time later to worry about boys and the little games they play.

  2. move on and get involved with activities..stop being around people who are only using you

  3. All I can say is talk to him tell him what you think. Maybe find someone else like Byron. Make Julius jealous and then he'll come back.

  4. He believed his friend over you and then treated you badly when you got back together.  You did the right thing and broke up with him.  Now it's time to move on.  Hang out with friends and have a good time.  You'll be over him before you know it.

  5. Turn around, Run and never bother with this guy again. My ex did alot of the same BS and trust me it wasnt worth it no matter how much you miss him. Im older so we were supposed to be getting engaged when he told me that he wanted to go do whatever and I should wait around and then in a couple years he would decide if he wanted to be with me. This guy thinks he can manipulate you, and if you go back he will. Just leave it alone and trust me you will fine someone better! I did.

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