
Any advice anyone...? A little relationship advice anyone?

by  |  earlier

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My ex boyfriend and I have had a very rocky few days recently, and he's done a lot to me that made me think 'this is it - no more'. But recently he tried to commit suicide and I've also found out from his doctors that he has a brain tumour and suffers from MS. I have no idea how much of what he has done is his fault and how much of it is the brain tumour, as personality change is one of the many symptoms. The thing is, I'm still desperately in love with him and I could forgive him for everything else- but he slept with my sister.

Is there any advice anyone can give me? The term 'take things slow and see how it goes' comes to mind - but does that sound too cliche? I still love him more than anything, but my head and heart are pulling me in different directions. Any help/advice/thoughts would be much appreciated.

Please - no snide comments telling me to 'turn straight' - its not that easy and I don't think I even want to.

Thanks again, guys.




  1. It would be very hard to live with someone with personality changes frequently. The brain tumor is very hard to get rid of and MS is not curable, so you would have to live with the personality changes forever. As for him sleeping with your sister, it sounds like he is not completely g*y and if you are it seems like you would want to be in a stable relationship with another g*y man. I know I would never be able to forgive anyone who slept with my sister, I wouldnt even be able to forgive my sister!! If you are madly in love with him, and know you can forgive him and live with the personality changes. then go for it, but you do deserve to be happy and to trust somebody!!  

  2. for starters,  that doesnt sound to good. if you he cheated on your for your sister. But if you still think you got a chance then make sure you take it. BUT DONT REGRET ANYTHING. You have life, and make sure you do it the way you want it..not for him, but for your self....

  3. Well i think i know better then anyone here about the situation.. thanks to chatting with you! =] Going slow seems to be the only thing you really can do right now. You shouldnt jump right into it because you dont want to get hurt again and you and peter need to talk when he gets better to see if the relationship is repairable. Yeah he slept with your sister but im pretty sure that was the brain tumor or MS he seems pretty g*y to me (no offense intended) and i know he loves you. Hes told me a billion times and he just wants you to be happy. He seems to me like a big lost baby :-p with bad taste in music. If he doesnt apologise for the sister thing and everything else say try to find some one else because then he isnt meant to be with you. You deserve better. but if he does apologise and means it then give him a chance the poor guy has been through alot and probably doesnt mean half the c**p he does. he told me that to. So just give it time and follow your heart<3 Everything will fall into place if you have some faith!

  4. Love isn't as complicated as we make it out to be.  It simply is what it is.  I think when we bring cultural beliefs and society "norms" into our relationships we're doing a great disservice to our ability to love purely and unconditionally.  Cultural beliefs are telling you that he's no good because he slept with your sister and because he may have committed a few other atrocities.  I think your heart tells you different.  I think you know we're all entitled to mishaps (especially him).  Don't let others' beliefs and bitterness dictate how you should handle this situation because you already know.

  5. he slept with your sister.... Who is next your mom???

    How can you go back to him..

    Find someone else

  6. this is all very strange as doctors don't divulge confidential information, I think that you should stay away from this guy , he is more trouble than you deserve.  

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