
Any advice for a faster flip turn?

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I joined swim team for the first time this summer and i rly like it

I have one problem tho my flip turn slows me down are there any good swimmers out there that can help?




  1. You need to be fast going into the wall so you have the most momentum out of the turn. And make sure your feet and knees are at a 90 dgree anglebefore you push off. That will give you more speed coming off the wall.

    Good Luck!!!

  2. Tuck your head in all the way to your chest. Bring your knees as close to your chest as well and try to make yourself a small ball. As you turn, kick off the wall with the balls of your feet and go through the water sideways, keeping your arms in a stream line position, as tight as possible.  

  3. 1. take that last stroke into the wall. if doing backstroke then flip over.

    2. tuck your head in and push your shoulders down.

    3. your legs should somewhat automatically follow suit and perform a slight butterfly kcik.

    4. keep the turn tight and you sohould finish on your back. push off the on the balls of your feet and turn over while takeing a stroke off the wall.  

  4. DON'T breathe right before you flip. That's one of the worst things you could do.

    Also: tuck your chin as far as you can, streamline off the wall, butterfly kick underwater while streamlining, and don't take a breath until you're past the flags.

    However, you can take a breath off the wall and you don't need to butterfly kick if you're doing breaststroke.

    Working on your streamline and breathing will really help.

  5. As a swimmer, i suggest that when you enter the wall tuck your arms in. Then instead of staying on your stomach, flip onto your back.(you are still underwater. This will not get you DQed) Then while underwater do a few dolphin kicks that start big and slow then change to small and fast) Then emerge from the water. Ta da your done!!!

  6. when you do your flipturn whip your feet as fast as you can to get them to the wall nd use alot of force to push ur self off the wall nd do 3-5 dolphin kicks before coming to the surface.

  7. When you get about 2 or 3 feet from the wall, do a HUGE dolphin kick and keep your arms to your side, your chin tucked, and your legs curled under. Flip, and after you push off the wall, do a dolphin kick until you get to the surface, and then start flutter kicking.

    Hope this helps! I have been swimming for A LOT of years, so I hoped I could help. Good Luck in your swim meets! :)

  8. hold your breathe from the flags till you get a stroke or two out of your flip turn. before you flip do one dolphin kick and flip deep and do a mix a dolphin and free style kick till you get to the surface. use your arms to flip yourself. and keep your chin tucked in.  

  9. I am a state finalist for my high school team and the best way to do a flip turn is to see where the wall is and don't breathe when you get close to the wall and you DONT want to tuck up into a ball but flip as far away to the wall as possible and keep your calfs extended and once you take your last stroke and your hand gets close to horizontal flip and whip your legs and push of the wall in about a 45 degree angle and do about 4-5 dolphin kicks as you roll over and then break the surface pulling and kicking as hard as possible and dont lift your head up right before u flip and dont breathe out of your turn take 3 strokes

  10. Well i have been swimming for a while...11 years and the best way i hav learned is:

    once u pass the flags do not take any breaths, increase the spped as u r going towards the wall then simply use ur abs and push ur upper body down and flip. Push HARD off the wall. You are supposed to end up under water on ur back, stream line on ur back for 3 secs, start doing dolphin kicksand as u do that turn to ur side and continue dolphin kicks untill ur shoulder breakes the surface do a low side pull out( use the armthats under the water closer to the bottom of the pool to take ur first stroke) that should bring u on ur stomach, after that u need to take AT LEAST (!!!!!!) 3 strokes before u take a breath. I know it sounds complicated but it WORKS. The guy that was teaching me that used to hold the 3rd best time in the world on his 50 free ;)

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