
Any advice for a homeless individual?

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Ok, I am a 20 year old female, who recieves no financial assistance. I lost my job about a month ago, due to downsizing, and I have to leave my apartment in ten days. I do not have many friends, and or family to turn to. I have no money, and i am scared shitless. I applied for food stams when i was 19 and they told me i was ineligible due to the fact that my income has to be my parents. They make too much, yet they don't help me. I don't know what to do, im scared and quite helpless right now. Anyone have any similiar stories and/or advice?




  1. I basically lived in a car for a couple years. I'm 23 now and I'm back with my parents. I do a lot of work around here for them, so they help me out now.

    I know around where I live, there are different shelters and there is this place that helps you with finding a job, transportation, medical insurance, housing. I bet if you look in a phone book and just look under a bunch of different things, you'll find something like that for where you live. Like a social services type thing. They get you hooked up with Medicaid and assistant living. If you are homeless, they will help you out a lot..get you food stamps and all the help you will need.

  2. People need to stop being a******s and relize that this is a real situation that happens to alot of people. I really have hope that you will do well and find somewhere to go, i would go and apply for as many job's as i could. Depending on where you live there is some homless shelter's, i would prefer trying to find a womens home.

    There is a homless helpline open 24/7


    I wish you much luck, god bless.

  3. I'm really sorry to hear that. You should definitely try to talk to your parents about helping you out. If you are sincere and really ask for there help I am sure they will help you. Once you get settled again, you can try to earn some money by getting another job. i earn money online from doing surveys and gpt sites. It's helped me. Check the link on my profile page for more info. I hope this helps you. Good Luck.

  4. try a shelter.  How are you paying for the Internet connection?

  5. robb ur parents, u know when they're not home

  6. If I were you I would hire a hit man and kill off my parents then take all they have. That's messed up they won't help their own daughter out! I suggest you to try project payday, simply because you don't need any money up front and you can start making money within 15 minutes. I average around 2000 dollars every month with it. Check it out at

  7. Your story doesn't seem right.  Your parents are no longer financially responsible for you, so their income cannot be considered when you apply for food stamps or any other assistance.  Call the department of social services in your state and tell them what your problem is, you should be able to get some assistance.  Another thing that doesn't seem right is that you have to leave your apartment in 10 days, unless you were behind on your rent even when you were working.  Putting that together with the fact that your parents won't help you, I'm figuring you have made some poor choices in life and that's why they will not support you.  Apologizing, eating dirt and changing your behavior may help you change their mind and help you get back on your feet.

  8. stop paying for your internet first of all, find a job, sell things

  9. Hi Kristen

    I know a lot of people who have and are going through the same things you are, the only thing I can tell you is to hang in there and don't give up things will work out.

    First, don't stop trying to find a job.

    Second, ask the landlord for an extension for at least six weeks or a month and a half, if he refuses then ask him if he can recommend some where that will help you.

    Third, go back to the welfare office and reapply as head of household, this will tell them that you live on your own and not with family members, also  ask them about the section 8 program and where you can get an application from, also ask them about low income housing and or apartments in the area.  Remember though some of these places are rough places to live.

    Fourth, if you are part of a church you can always ask the church for help as well the Christian Charitable foundations for assistance.

    And never give up trying, there are a lot of community programs that can help you, you just have to search them out.

    By all means, try not to hook up with someone just to have a place to stay that would be the worst thing you could do for your self.  Being a s*x slave and being beaten and bullied is no way for a woman to live.

    If all else fails, go home and regroup it wont take you long to get back on your feet and you wont be at home any longer than you want to....unless your dad is the one that asked you to leave in the first place.

    Try all the other stuff first before you do any thing else, and remember don't stop looking for work.

    I have help all of my friends who have fallen on hard times make it through with guidance and support and some times giving them a place to stay for a little while, but all of them are up and running on their own once again, and so will you.

    By the way, where is that you live? If you don't mind?

    Take care and good luck....Keep the Faith....Peace....cya....

  10. your parents income is only relevant if you live with your parents. go to your dss office and ask for assistance. You can receive unemployment for a while to find another job. You may also be able to receive other assistance. You can look for a hud housing area, where you will pay discounted rent.

  11. Find a women's shelter, then a job, then a place, then a life. Good luck.

  12. You and I need to talk I'm trying to figure out how to contact you. I was there, my mom died suddenly and I was thrown out on my own and I'm 22 and she died last year. . . you can do it to

  13. do you have a religious belief,  most religions are set up to help people temporarily, as far as assistance you may still qualify if you no longer live with your parents, you should only have to use their income if you are under18, living with them and sharing food, or if they give you money.

    do your parents know the circumstances maybe you could move home till you find another job, if all else fails there are always women's shelters. or maybe a Friend would let you borrow a RV to stay in until you can find a house.

    When I was younger i didn't make enough to rent a place of my own so i bought a self contained  RV and parked it in a RV park until i got married it worked well and was nice till i got pregnant with #1 then it was during the Y2K scare my parents built a house with 3 living spaces and we rented one till kids were older.

    good luck im sure things will work out

    you also could take some valubals to the hock shop we had to do that one year for Xmas, you could also be eligable for unemployment you definatly need to apply for that, its not much but you will be able to survive.

  14. it looks like you have ten days to find a second and third job,,, you need to deliver pizza's, do landscaping, waitress on the weekends. you need to work so much that you get enough money to find a place to live... your social life needs to dissappear and you need to be working at least 80 hours a week at least 2 jobs and maybe 3. you obviously have a computer so you need to sell it and make some money to buy you some time with your rent.

  15. Ask to move back in with your parents. Explain them your current financial situation, and they should understand. Do not ask them for money, just ask to stay with them while you get back ony our feet. I would suggest going to community college, learn something like computer programming, a trade, or something else. after graduating, you will significantly increase your earning potential. And once you get your next job, budget your money, try to save at least 10% of what you earn after taxes. Save up to 3-6 months of living expenses in a bank account. After that start investing, and should be well on your way.

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