
Any advice for beginner ice-skaters?

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i'm 13 and i can rollerblade n can do the odd little jump and that on rollerblades but i went ice skating for the first time last year when i was 12 with school and i loved it. i can skate round the rink like a couple of times but i cant do like on one leg and stuff and i would really like to learn. i would take lessons but the nearest ice rink is about an hour away from where i live. and my mum says that its too late to learn cause u have to start when u are like 6 or summink! i'm going to the ice rink this weekend with my best friend, any tips to improve?




  1. hey

    it is never too late to start I am 14 n I am starting soon

    If you hold ur arms out like an aeroplane lol it will help you stay balanced.

    And if you put ur feet into a V shape it will help you skate

    Also don't try and go too fast too soon!

    hope this helps! xxxx

  2. You dont' have to start when you're 6!  You can start at any age.  You're never too old to learn a new skill or sport.  If you were planning on going to the Olympics, maybe that would be partially true, but I didn't start til I was 12.  I competed then and still skate now, teaching, testing and competing.

    Rollerblading is a good start.  The same way you have to push with the sides of your roller blades is how you should push in figure skates, not using your toes.

    The best way to improve is just practice.  Spend as much time as you can on the ice to get more confident and build your skills.  See if the rink offers group lessons.  Group lessons are a great way to get started on learning the basics and are cheaper than private lessons with a coach.  It's also a great way to meet other skaters just like you!

    Have fun!

  3. It certainly isn't too late to learn to skate, you probably won't be the next Olympic champion, but you can certainly learn to skate and even compete if you would like to. Taking group lessons is the best way to learn since you get instruction on how to skate and properly learn jumps and spins, by learning on your own you can increase your risk of injury. I would suggest learning how to use your arms for balance, and then learning how to stroke using the outside of your ice skate blade so you can increase your speed, and learn how to stroke. Good luck!

  4. Well, she's wrong. It's never too late to learn. You can even start at 12 and if you have the talent, go pretty far in skating.

    How good is your balance in your shoes? The better balance off ice, the better on. I guarantee you can learn all the one foot glides in 1 hour. Practice going straight first, then try to turn a little. Then you would be gliding on an edge. Backwards may be a bit harder.

    The thing with rollerblading is there are no edges. The "skate" is also difference and there are more factors to consider when ice skating.

    If you can't go often because of the drive, really work on these skills off ice and get the idea of how to move your body. Then really use your time wisely when you are there. Stay as long as you can and practice.

    Tell your mom that they have adult competitions, people who start in theirs 20s, 30s, and above, and compete with doubles.

    Tips: Bend your knees, arms out, and don't look down.

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