
Any advice for easing painful Braxton Hicks contractions that have been lasting now for over 36 hours?

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I am 8 days overdue with my first child and I have been having Braxton Hicks contractions for over 36 hours. The first stint lasted about 10 hours with the contractions occurring between 5 to 10 minutes apart. They subsided (I called them twinges yesterday) but came back with a vengeance this morning at 2:00am and were to the point they were 3 minutes apart. We actually went to the hospital at that point and they informed me that I was 1.5-cm dilated and these were Braxton-Hicks and irregular and sent me home. They gave me percocet but the contractions are still coming every 8 minutes or so and I haven't slept since a 3-hour nap yesterday. Any advice so I can get some sleep would be appreciated!




  1. Take a walk, eat something, use the bathroom.  They may have told you that these are Braxton Hicks but maybe they're prodromal contractions - your uterus contracting but you're not at 4 cm yet, it doesn't mean that you won't be going back to the hospital soon.  You should be able to take Benedryl since you're in your 3rd trimester, and it has a sedative effect that might lull you to sleep.

  2. Personally I would go back to the hospital. They have a drug they can inject that is basically a mild muscle relaxer to stop contractions when they happen too early. I don't see any reason why they wouldn't be able to give you that, and being 8 days over due they should be considering inducing your labor soon anyways.  

  3. hi there it may not be Braxton hicks you could be in very early stages of labour, aas its your 1st, you may be going through whats called the latent stage, i had this with mine.

    Basically you won,t be dialating but everything is softening, i really hope this is it for you.

    To ease them try a warm bath, my be a hot water bottle and some paracetamol.

    Good luck, will be thinking of you

  4. yes get some Dilaudid for the pain its so much better & HUGS  

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