
Any advice for me?? I would really appreciate it

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I have no friends right now. I have my boyfriend, who used to treat me like dirt. I have no one to be with, no one who wants to be my friend, no one talks to me. I don't blame them. I don't talk to anyone either. I am extremely shy, and I get embarassed and stutter, the works, and that must push people away because no one gives me the time of day. There was a sweet old man just looking for someone to talk to, who came into my work today. We talked for a few minutes, and it only occured to me after he left that I should've invited him to stay and sit with me. I felt so guilty and horrible afterwords. Sometimes, when someone is talking to me, I respond with these stupid, sarcastic remarks. I want people to know who I am really, that I am really nice and caring on the inside. How do I learn what to say without being sarcastic, and how do I get over my shyness? Any tips at all would be really great.




  1. you have to treat folks the same way you want to be treated and as far as the shyness I was once shy also what I did was make myself stand up and be counted life is too short to hang in the background. If you want friends first you have to be willing to be a friend to someone else. Try church or joibn a gym. Good luck

  2. Read article on site below and learn about yourself. Learn to feel more self-love and now to be happier. This is the reason that you were born. This is the reason that you are alive. Embrace it.

  3. okay...when youre around people dont think too hard on what to say,just let it flow,if your sarcastic then thats a part of who you are but if it is rude sarcasm make sure not to use it,when you want to say something dont hold back,if you have a problem studdering the only way to get rid of it is to speak in front of people.set your mind in an outgoing thought process,and when you get around people think of yourself as better than them(it sounds bad but it should help)so thaat your more confident to be yourself...please email me or somethimg in response(

  4. You should explore the reasons for your shyness and embarrassment and do everything in your human power to change those reasons.  Don't be afraid to ask for help if you think an anti-depressant may help you.  Actually, it's no different than asking for help on this web site.  Hey, life sucks for many of us, and if you don't learn to love yourself, you may never find it from others.

  5. Don't be so hard on yourself. Recognizing your problem is the first step toward doing something about it. It seems to me that one of your biggest problems has been having a boyfriend that, by your own admission used to treat you like dirt. Don't assume that you push everyone away because you get nervous & stutter!  You will NEVER please everyone. There will ALWAYS be someone that won't like you for whatever reason. The key is to understand that and not make it your problem anymore. Its their problem! You can't go wrong if you always remember to just treat people with the same kindness & respect that you'd want in the same situation. Don't focus so much on being shy. Stop saying that you're shy, even if that's how you feel. Start speaking positive things into your life by saying what a special person you are. You said yourself that you're really nice and caring on the inside so practice showing that person on the outside. Trust yourself to be that person that you know you are. I wish you the very best.

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