
Any advice for middle school?

by Guest67067  |  earlier

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I'm going into the 7th grade this year and im kinda nervous.And i have a tight group of friends.are we going to drift apart in middle school?




  1. Most likely not, middle school is just like elementaryy with more freedom.

  2. Your get closer to your friends but just watch out towards the end of the school year now that's when you start drifting apart.

  3. No 7th grade was the best year i had in Middle school and no u and ur friends wont drift way as long as u stick together just have fun in middle school u will have a blast

  4. Actually, 7th grade is when you are the closest to your friends so no you guys will not drift away. Also, you will make great new friends who you will remember for a very long time. So, don't be nervous; be confident and enjoy yourself in middle school [while it lasts]

    good luck!

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