
Any advice for people getting braces?

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I'm going to get braces in a few weeks, and I wanted to know if anybody has any tips? How much pain will I be in? What kinds of food are good for the first few days? Is it likely that I'll need spacers? (That's the part I'm most worried about! I hear they're really painful.) Any advice is welcome!




  1. dont be too intimidated by the first answer...i had horrible teeth when i first got mine on but they didnt hurt that bad. just dont be too nervous when you go, it doesnt hurt when they are actually putting them on but they will start getting sore after you leave your appointment. just take some tylenol before you go in. i'd stick with mashed potatoes and pudding for a couple days

    good luck!

  2. i personally wasnt in a lot of pain but some ppl do have pain so u cant try taking advil. some good foods are pasta soup ice cream yogurt bananas mash potatoes basically anything soft. when i got mine i had lots of pasta and soup. u might y r u worried they are basically like nothin they may just give u a little pain so dont be worried u will be fine. the better u take care of them the fast they will come of so try not to eat anything that will brake them when my friends and i had braces they were always braking them with stuff like gum and chewy candy or from chewing on their pens. and i didnt do that so i got my braces off before them they were so mad. so listen to the rules ur ortho tells u and they will be off in no time

    glad to help

  3. I'm not going to lie. I had to had the roof of my mouth expanded, head gear, teeth pulled and braces. It wasn't the most pleasant experience but, it was WORTH it!! Now, I have straight teeth and feel much better about myself. I really wouldn't worry about a thing. I was 16 when I got braces and I was so glad that I didn't care what I had to be done I just wanted straight teeth :O)

  4. Ok so i had braces like 3 years ago and i just got them off last year... it definately hurts when you get them on. Im not going to lie.. i almost cried. Take like 2 tylenol p.m.s 30 minutes before you go and that will definately help. Food wise- i couldnt even eat noodles. Everything hurt my teeth so i had to live off of jello and plain yogurt ( the berries kind hurt ). You could also try oatmeal. Maybe buy the sensodyne toothpaste because that has stuff in it that makes teeth and gums less sensitive , because you teeth will be sensitive. The pain lasted about 2 weeks and worsened at night so i couldnt sleep. I got raging headaches so stock up on tylenols. The spacers all depend on how your teeth are doing and they really didnt hurt after a day for me, it was just annoying putting them on and taking them off. & when you get your retainer choose the one your doctor suggests.. i had the choice between a clear one and a normal one. I chose the clear one after my doc. said that i shouldnt and my teeth ended up moving.

  5. I had Braces for like 1 year and they are painful at sometimes but you will get use to it you might have them longer then me but you will get use to the pain and getting the braces on will not hurt at all and you can't eat gum or apples that are full you can eat them when they are sliced up and don't worry their won't be that much pain just stay calm about it and all that pain that will happen it will be worth it Because you will get nice teeth so stay calm and i promise you that you will look GREAT AFTER ALL THE PAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. well its okay

    u will put on spacers before u get ur braces

    and for the first two weeks they hurt and u can only eat liquid things

    and every month when u need to go and they tighten it

  7. Everyone here has answered the question really well already.  Personally I'm still in braces (2 years this August...about half a year to go!).  Some highlights:

    - The amount of pain when they're first put on varies.  There will be some pain after your monthly tightenings, but you'll get used to the few days of discomfort will become routine after a while.

    - Softer foods are going to be your friend initially.  If you're the type of person that has trouble putting on weight, a calorie/protein type shake might not be a bad idea since when you're teeth hurt, you don't feel like eating, and thus your weight drops a bit.

    - You can still eat things like steaks if you just take the time to cut it up into smaller-than-before-you-had-braces size pieces.

    - The list of foods that will make cleaning your braces a nightmare is long.  If you love a big green salad...your smile is unfortunately going to look like the canopy of a rain forest right afterwards.  Brushing your teeth right after meals (if not with toothpaste, just to clean the gunk off) will become a habit too.

    But the most important thing is...remember that it will ALL be worth it in the end.  Just keep the picture of how beautiful your smile is going to be when you're done clear in your mind, and you'll be able to endure the process just fine!

    - Good luck

  8. Here is my advice:

    1) try to use the wax they give you only at night if possible.  You will need to form calluses where the prongs are, and the wax only delays the inevitable.

    2) try to eat foods that are firmer if possible.  Soft foods like bread will mold over the braces until you learn how to deal with them.  Sticky foods will grab to them.

    3) Stock up on ibuprofin.  The braces will be uncomfortable after every visit because they generally are tightened at every visit.  The discomfort goes away in a day or two generally and is easily treated with ibuprofin most of the time.

    4) Try to keep the big picture of your straight teeth in mind.  It will eventually be worth it.

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