
Any advice for running in the heat?

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Hello friends,

I live in San Antonio, Texas. The only time of day I am able to commit to running is during my lunch break. Now that it is summer, it is in the 90's when I run. Besides drinking a lot of water and wearing lose clothing, can anyone offer advice to make the run a little less dreadful?

I love to run, but my runs the last couple of weeks with the heat have not been that great. I want to run 3.3 miles without a struggle.





  2. Wear a hat or visor, loose-fitting clothes, and drink lots of water.  It takes some time but you'll get used to running in the heat.  If you are going for longish runs I'd recommend taking something to replace electrolytes, like gels or sports drinks.  I used to run without a hat and when I bought a visor it made a world of difference.  You can try pouring water on yourself and see if that makes you feel cooler.  It doesn't work for me, it just makes me feel wet and hot.  Good luck.

  3. drink lots of water many hours before you run. at least 6 bottles.

    wear clothes that are very breezy like a jersey.

    wet your clothes before you go running.

  4. Could you run indoors somewhere?  My only suggestions would be loose clothing, lots of water, and is there any way you could split it for later on in the evening??  I know u posted htat you run during lunch break...hmmm i'm sorry!!!

  5. Put a cap on and pour some water all over you (including the hat and your head). Also, bring a water bottle with you and pour some on your head every 5 minutes and do NOT wear cotton t-shirt, get some heat gears (Brooks and Nike both have excellent heat gears).

  6. ...

    Sloooow adaptation.    You can do it!  It takes time, patience.

    For a couple of weeks, start by running just 10 minutes a day.  

    Beginning the third week, add 5 minutes per day per week.

    It will take you some time to adapt to the heat, but it can be done, slowly, over time.

    Along with that, try spending less time in AC buildings - let your body adapt to the heat by spending more and more time in it.



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