My 19 month old is having a hard time getting rid of his binki. His 3 month old brother has one too and sometimes he takes it from him and hands it to me or he puts it in his mouth. When I tell him to give it back or to me he does. At naptime or at night he cries for his binki and this can go on for hours. He is chewing on papers, the buttons off our remotes, on our coasters, blankets you name it he chews on it. Also, his teeth are starting to accomodate to the binki in his mouth so they are slightly crooked. He drools ALOT, more than any kids I've ever seen and I have been a preschool teacher for 1 1/2 years and have my Child Development Associates Degree. Everything I have done with the kids at work does not work for my son. I will pat his back to try to get him to sleep, I have even fallen asleep with him in his toddler bed. And this issue is getting worse everyday. He is now swinging at us everytime we tell him no when he asks for his binki. I'm afraid his biting will come back.