
Any advice for the girlfriend of an Aquarius??

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I have just started seeing an aquarius man, he is different from all the other men I have dated, aloof and mysterious. has anyone got any advice about how to deal with him?




  1. Went out with Aquarius air-moon boyfriend. Wasn't my most emotionally intimate time. I figured we were better off as friends and he would make an air-moon girl very happy..but not me. Not a good match for emotionals! Find a compatible guy, you deserve it, best wishes!

  2. They are great people, going out with one myself for the last 7 years.!!!

    They like romance, make him a candlelight dinner, that ought too set his mind in the right frame, they love talking and are adventurous people.Go slow and don't force issues.!!!

    Good luck.!!

  3. he's not aloof and mysterious. he is just not that interested

  4. well by the time you accept happily that he is a nut job in some ways, and you are as well as you are his gf, you guys will probably be pretty compatible together

    he will probably engage in relationship inappropriate manners at times, and pull out when he feels uncomfortable emotionally, as well as be a huge asssss a times, but on the other hand he is very tolerant, intelligent, and is probably still there for you, even when he seems he isn't, and you him.  relationships are tough on many signs.......

    and you might not want to show/tell him you like him, b/c aqua guys often don't like that....don't ask me why, but it freaks them out...maybe they thinks they are unlikables???

    the above is for the typical aquarius male....of course there are anomalies in every signs, so it may not fit totally...

  5. Don't blame star signs for weird blokes. Weird blokes are weird blokes.

  6. run a mile

  7. you can get free character analysis for each star sign at There's even a comparison between the signs there.

    Really though, it shouldn't matter that he's an Aquarius. He's probably just a bit simple and/or disinterested.

    Good luck?

  8. They usually make better friends first and then romance second. They also like their freedom never be needy or emotional as they can't handle those traits in people.

  9. Aloof is not a good thing, and mysterious is intriguing at first until you find out that it doesn't really get any deeper. With Aquarius male, what you see is what you get. The mystery is that there IS NO MYSTERY. He isn't hiding his emotional depth, what you see is all that he is capable of giving. The sooner you realize that, the better off you're going to be. You're likely a water sign if you're drawn to the mystery of him. I'm a Cancer who had an on again off again with an Aquarius for the better part of ten years. It took me ten years to be convinced that I was reaching and digging for something that wasn't there. You will control whether or not he is in your life, but you will have absolutely NO SAY in how far the relationship goes or what level of commitment you have for each other. It's very one-sided, and he will blow hot and cold. You won't know whether to scratch your watch or wind your butt! I would run like h**l, but hey, we all need to experience Aqua man just once in our lives to learn exactly how much we can stomach. Good luck!

  10. If you are another air sign especially a Gemini you can handle this guy sometimes a Virgo can too. If not stay clear. He/she tends to tell tall tales and lies and he doesn't even know he/she is doing it.

    Great as friends. One of the best. But if your a water sign, you will cry.

  11. The fact that he was born on a certain day of the year has nothing to do with his personality excpet for the fact that horoscopes but be dictating his life and he doesnt even know it, Horoscopes are false, you are deluded.

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