
Any advice for the soon-to-be bride? (getting married in 16 hours!)?

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hey all!

so, I'm getting married tomorrow at 3:30 pm. And i have to be honest, I'm a wreck! i booked the reception hall for a half an hour too early and didn't realize it until it was too late (which gives me only like 20-30 minutes for pics at the church). my soon-to-be sister in-law is suppose to be a nail tech but did an amateur job on my acrylics today.... i cant get rid 2 zits on my face that appeared yesterday even though my face has been clear for months.... i tinkered my birth control cycle slightly months ago so i wouldn't be on my period for my wedding and i started bleeding today even though I'm mid-cycle (and ive been withholding s*x for the past 2 months to make that wedding night sweeter....), and to top it off my sister-in-law was suppose to practice eye makeup on me for tomorrow and she was gone when we got back from the rehearsal dinner....

so, does anyone got any advice for me?!?! because i dont want to be bald tomorrow from pulling my hair out!!




  1. once the nails are off,the pictures are developed,your hair falls out of the style, all the gifts are unwrapped,periods are flowing again,and the dress is tucked up the back of a and your hubby will always have the good memories you had at your wedding. Never think that all those things matter...they really don't. they just add to the effect of the wedding. Nails don't really show up in the wedding pictures except for the ring picture which i sure they can airbrush you picture to make your nails look good.eye make up isn't a big thing to re do if you don't like it.....Honey moon really isn't till tomorrow so the period could be gone by then. Time u get in to your hotel or back home night of the wedding you will be way to tired for even thinking about s*x with him lol. trust me......good luck and god bless you and your new marriage....

  2. Yea, Peacefrog couldn't have said it any better.  Just relax.  Everything will be fine.  Congratulations!!! =)

  3. wow congrats! i just got married in april and it was crazy...our pastor didnt show up! all the planning, freinds, relatives everything was going wrong. but when i saw my bride i didnt care about anything else! we had someone else marry us on the fly. and i couldnt be happier! it all just adds to the story we are building together. so take it easy!!! things are gonna go wrong. so try and just let it happenand whatever you do keep smilin!! (pictures) it happens to everyone just ask anyone!! i wish you long happy life with your new partner!

  4. see if your photographer can take pics of the girls and then pics of the guys before the ceremony so that afterwards all you have to take care of is girls and guys together and family

    see if you can get the nails redone professionally/have them taken off and get your nails painted a light almost white pink

    toothpaste on the zits

    take 2 bc pills tonight

    do your make up on your own. tomarrow is not the day for experimenting with your face

    good luck!

  5.      I'm getting married tommorrow to at 2:30 so thats cool but  just relax as much as possible dont forget to pray.With prayer,family, and friends every thing will come together and work itself out.Good luck i'm going to pray for you and you pray for me as well, ok.Have fun.

  6. Chill out, your going to have a nervous breakdown. take a Valium

    and relax. it will be over before you no it.

  7. well

    1. take your time with the pics. they won't start anything til you guys show up anyways.

    2.  Don't worry about the naiks. tiny detail you won't even notice tomorrow.

    3.  zits- toothpaste on them when you go to bed tonight...if that doesn't get rid of them....CONCEILER BABY!!! (they always pick the worst time to show up...remember prom? lol)

    4.  Just keep taking your pills, it's probably stress that is causing the bleeding. enjoy tomorrow and relax and it should stop.

    5. Make up remover. start early: if you don't like it, take it off and start again.

    Take a deep breath, get some sleep (if possible) and remember these are all minor details in the grand scheme of things. You are about to start your life with the man you love and get to celebrate with all of your family and friends.  Everything else is a minor detail.

    EDIT: I just remembered this: most professional photographers do touch ups on pictures so your zits won't be in the pictures if they are still there.

    Hope all went well today.  If you get a chance to update on how things went please let me know.  I would love to hear a quick update.

    Good luck hun! and CONGRATS!!!!!

  8. as much as we would love for our perfect day to go will never happen to anyone. it will be the day itself as a whole that you will remember for the rest of your life. your life partner will become your husband tomorrow. thats worth more than perfect nails or 2 zits. go to sleep, wake up early and have a big nutrious breakfast (chances are you will skip lunch) and try to relax. the weather outside is gorgeous if you can manage see if your photographer can take a few outside at a park near by so you have a bigger selection of your before photos. plus you have been doing your own make up for years so if you don't like it, do it the way you normally would. have a great day tomorrow.


  9. Hey girl you are completely missing the point here :) a wedding day is a day of celebration, the important part here is that you are committing (and being committed) to be w/ someone for the rest of your life if that doesn't make you bald I don't know what would lol do you really care about your nails not being perfect ? for sure your husband to be will see you with no makeup, no nails done, bloated and in a very bad mood when the pms happen to you messy hair in the morning and he will still want to be w/ you so tomorow relax and enjoy the party, you are not running a restaurant, its a party give all the attention to the person that its is giving you his life have fun you will be fine.

    Congratulations !

  10. Ok, relax!

    Don't worry about your nails.  No one will be looking at them.

    20-30 minutes for taking pics at the church is fine and if you are a few minutes late to the reception hall, that is fine, they will wait for you.

    The zits, depends what they are, but if they are deep and not towards the top of your skin, leave them alone.  If they are near the top, try this little cure - mix some baking soda together with a little milk, to make a paste, then put it on your problem areas, let it dry and then wipe off with warm water.  Then you can try and pop them if you want if they are close to the surface, but make sure to kind of push it out without squeezing so that you don't irritate your skin further.  Then apply some toner or witch hazel, or if it looks bad, even a little neosporin, and leave them alone until morning.

    Stick to the normal pill cycle.  Hopefully you are just spotting and you will be fine.  A trick to stop the bleeding if it is still happening tomorrow night is a quick soak in the tub - yes, it does work.  And just in case, wear something tomorrow so that you don't have any accidents in your wedding dress!

    Don't worry about your flaky sister in law with the eye make up.  If it is the same one with the nails, you might be better off not trying anything tonight as she may stress you out more.  

    Remember to go with what you know and are comfortable with for your makeup.  Don't let anyone try anything too crazy.  

    Most importantly, try and get some sleep and remember to enjoy the day, and cherish every moment of it.  Don't stress and have a great time.  Don't stress about the things that you can't control and just have fun!  The most important thing is that at the end of the day you will be marrying your soul mate.  In the end, nothing else really matters.  


  11. For the zits, first hold a hot washcloth on them as long as you can stand it.  Then,  if you have some, crush up aspirin and make a paste with warm water.  Apply, let dry, and wash off in the AM.  It really really works.  Then tomorrow, before your makeup, ice them for a few minutes, and squirt them with Visine.  Just as it takes the red out of eyes, it does the same for zits.  You will be really happy with the difference.  For the period situation, if possible, grab some vinegar and water douche.  Yes, yes, we all know douche is bad for you.  But my gyno recommended this for me when I had a similar problem.  She said it is OK for once in a blue moon.  Just make sure it's not rose or strawberry o one of those ridiculous things.  Anywho, skip off to the bathroom before the honeymoon festivities start, and it should take care of it temporarily.  Since you haven't had a "dry run" with the eyeshadow, I recommend using a minimalist approach.  Go lighter than you think you might want, bc your wedding day is not the time to end up with a drag queen look.  Nails?  Eh.  Either just accept it, or get 'em off, and go short, square, and nude.  And start drinking champagne like an hour before the ceremony.  You'll feel more laid back about everything.  No more than three flutes, though!  CONGRATS!!!!!

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