
Any advice for waking up?

by  |  earlier

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I have 7 alarm clocks---I sleepwalk.

I don't wake up to my alarm clocks---

they are set three minutes apart, but

somehow I get up and turn them all

off, without realizing it.

How can I get myself up in the mornings?

I'm getting plenty of sleep.

I've tried so much...

any suggestions?




  1. Make a rube goldberg machine. Get creative, and rig like a bucket of water to pour onto you, or something else garuanteed to wake you up.

  2. Put a rectangular basin of water where your feet would fall when you step out of bed to turn the alarms off. That should wake you up. Make sure the alarms are out of reach and you would HAVE to get out of bed to turn them off.

    Good Luck and you should probably get some professional help.

  3. Have you talked to your doctor?  Perhaps you have some sort of a sleep disorder?  Maybe you actually are not sleeping as well as you think.  I know a lot of folks who thought they were sleeping well who actually had sleep apnea -- and were actually waking up several times a night, but were unaware of it and because of that they were actually sleeping a lot during the day to make up for not getting sleep at night.  After they underwent a sleep study and were put on a C-PAP machine, which makes sure you get enough oxygen at night while sleeping, they sleep well at night and are able to get up in the morning.  Just a thought.

  4. When do you usually go to sleep and when do you wake up?Answer this and we can continue.

  5. train a pet(dog, cat, cow ect...) to wake u up!

  6. ... wow....

    and i thought i had trouble get out of bed in the morning...

    maybe you shud see a professional.

    if youve really tried and it doesnt work... you gotta try somebody whos an expert in the area?

  7. Just read the description for this, don't buy it off that site if you are considering it, there are much cheaper places.

    It's pretty funny and it's kind of cute, and I've heard it works.

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