
Any advice on IUD's?

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I am currently 29 weeks with my second child. I already have a 4 year old girl and we are now having a baby boy. I am currently debating on what to do for birth control once the baby is born. I did not have a good experience with a few different pills and was on depo when I got pregnant with my daughter (so that is out). The debate now is do I have my tubes tied or try an IUD. I am 99% sure that I will not want any more kids (still trying to figure out how to afford He is not so sure that we are done.

Has anyone had an IUD? What are the pros and cons? Thanks in advance for you advise.




  1. i have had an iud and it worked great i had it in for 5 years until i decided i wanted to plan my daughter at age 36 so i had got it taken out and had my wonderful daughter.after her i had it put back in it has been 7 yrs and still going i got the one that is good for 10 yrs i have never had any problems with the iud that's my story.

  2. I was in the same position as you. I can't tolerate hormonal methods of birth control. And I didn't want to commit to a tubal.

    I chose the Paraguard IUD, which does not have hormones like some of the other brands. I have had it for almost 9 years now and LOVE it. My periods are a bit heavier and a tiny bit more clotty, but they are shorter in duration, about 3 days now instead of 5. I don't notice any significant cramping or anything either, in fact I get fewer cramps now than ever before. Rarely I will have some spotting in between periods, but nothing heavy enough to warrant wearing a pad or anything.

    Good luck in your decision! Have a thorough conversation with your doctor about it.

  3. Pros you wont get pregnant till your ready too. Cons it can take time to ware off. I know they say it only takes a few month but every women is different. It also depends on your age! If your young you probably will be alright with an IUD. I am 30 and am having my third child. At 25 I thought I was done with two. Now I am having my third and am possible wanting a forth a few years later after this one. With my age I am not willing to risk having to wait a year to get pregnant. It was hard enough getting pregnant after being on the pill for so many years. We plan on using condoms till we are ready for a forth child. Anyway it up to you and make sure you do all the research. Also take into account how your body reacted to other types of birth control pills.

  4. i have had a very similar experience with pills and the depo shot! I ended up getting the paragaurd IUD (it does not have hormones like the mirena does). I had it in for 4 years, just got it taken out in july and now we are expecting our last baby. If you are not 100% sure about getting your tubes tied get the iud! good luck

  5. Well i don't have it but my 2 sisters do. They said to not even think about getting that. The bad is the guy feels the little string hanging down and it gives some people severe cramps and others there bleeding gets really clotty. I would say don't even try it. But that's all up to you . If you do research on birth control and see others experience that would also help. Good luck with that and your labor :)

    *Mother of 2 year old adn 33 weeks pregnant. :)
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