
Any advice on getting over this distressing social problem?

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If I try to have a chat to practically anyone, it often gets quiet and I judge this is because I’m boring and dry with zero interesting things to share. I can’t manage talking to people any longer and I notice tons of people who make conversation look easy. It has developed into a nuisance because I can’t seem to prevent myself from getting worried and distressed on a daily basis over this. What can I do to quit getting distressed over this every d**n day?




  1. It will take time to continue the conversation.  You cant expect to be a full conversation while you are learnig.  While the person is talking, think of a question to ask about something they said.  As them a question and let that lead the conversation.  Ask them an open ended queestion too.  Dont ask them something they can answer with a yes or not, but something they have to elaborate on.

  2. Please don't distress.  You have managed to say how you feel so well in type-written words - be patient.  I think you are probably too concerned about what other people think about you rather than being yourself.

    I wish there was a magic way to make you more comfortable in conversation.  Strangely, there is... sit back/stand back and just listen - wait until you are relatively comfortable with the people around you and the situation you are in - then go in and say something that relates to whatever they are talking about.  Depending on how they react, you will know whether to continue talking or just wait listening for the next time you can come into the conversation.

    Please don't worry - this is something that loads of us suffer from - trouble is, we spend too much time thinking about being awkward rather than trying to be honest about ourselves as a person.

    I really wish you so much luck!

  3. easy pick some one you know you will see tomorrow, then start a convo talk about something you know ask there opinion and have fun

  4. <Rolls eyes>

    Maybe if you stopped repeatedly asking the same question, people might find you less tedious.

  5. read a newspaper and refer to it in conversation i.e " oh did you hear about...", " i was reading the paper the other day what do you think about....", if you read a national paper it is likely that the person will know what you are talking about and will be able to comment or give an opinion and will lead in to a flow of conversation, equally if you get something like "the sun" newspaper it usually has funny little storys that maybe someone wont have heard of but will make them laugh and you will have injected something of interest into a conversation.

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