
Any advice on how I can transfer from a top community college to a univeristy in another state?

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I am currently at Santa Monica Community College in Los Angeles and this should be my last 2 semesters there and Santa Monica is the top transfer school in California, my overall GPA is a 3.4 and i am doing an internship at the department of energy this summer and i am a member of my school's black collegians program so i wanted to know how can I look into transferring into a New York City college, not a good one like NYU but a lower level school like Long Island University Brookly campus...could it be possible to transfer over California credits and get into a bad university? What should I do? Please Help with advice




  1. The first answer is essentially correct.  I looked at the website for Long Island U Brooklyn Campus and found info there about transfer students (see the link below).  Very likely any school you are interested in will have similar information on its website.

    Is it possible to get into a bad university?  Probably, for everyone this is true.  Study the catalog, talk to people, do your best to make an informed decision.

  2. contact the admission offices of the schools you are interested in. ask if they take transfer students and if so, what is the procedure. you'll most likely have to fill out an application and have your CC transcript sent and possibly an interview.

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