
Any advice on how to make my season work and my team stronger?

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(This is probably going to have to be added to.)

I go to a really small school - in the entire high school, there are only about 120 people, guys and girls. On top of that, our school splits the year into three, and each trimester has a different sport allotted to it . . . and I SWEAR the administration orchestrated this so that we'd suck. Volleyball season is literally six weeks long, by far the shortest season, and we only have three practices per week; some of them get used for school night games. We have ONE gym, and while every other sport has different high school and middle school seasons, volleyball has them both on at the same time, and JV and varsity have to split the gym during our practices. Added onto this, our season's in the autumn, when it's unbelievably hot and suffocatingly humid - and we're not allowed to open the doors! The administration must hate us.

So it's not surprising that there are barely any decent players, right? Out of 31 girls who signed up for the




  1. on your spare days get some kids from your volley ball team to practice every day at 4-6pm .All i'm i saying is to make your team better. i 'm on the basketball team but my teammates practice in weather.

  2. wow. I am a volleyabll player myself and my team isn't that great either.  To make them better when your weeker players have the time, invite them over for a little hang out.  Then when they are relaxed and refreshed you can practice with them.

    But make sure there is not to many breaks cause they need muscle memory or their muscles will forget how to hit the ball with force or a little softer.

  3. I go to a very small school too. Although my school isn't as small as yours. At my middle school we don't have a volleyball team (but I want one so bad!). Our high school has a team though and I'll be going to school there next year.

    And about your problem, talk to your sports administrator at school and explain to them what problems are going on with the team. Your team has to know that they MUST work together to be a team.

    Good luck!

  4. 1. volleyball season is in the fall yes it gets hot, but at least you dont practice from 9-12 and 1-4 during the summer.

    2. that is a short season and that does suck

    3. have your team play other leagues!! My team play in 4 season junior olympics and 2 local leagues see if anyone is interested.

    4. if u want to be capt. encourage your team. if they make a mistake tell them how they can fix it in a nice way and say they will get it next time. Ceer! make team cheers for pre-game stuff, aces kills ect..

    5.HAVE FUN! everyone plays better when having fun so keep an upbeat attitude even if you are losing

    good luck!

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