
Any advice on making some supplemental income stay at home moms??

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I am 5 months pregnant now and will graduate with a bachelors degree in business administration. I will e having my son in Dec. I dont want to go back to a 9 to 5 job until my son goes to school, so what are some suggestions about how to make some supplemental income?? thanks!!




  1. I've been looking for two years and have yet to find something that isn't a total scam.

  2. I looked forever for something to do at home.  After I quit my job, I was searching through some work at home forums and people kept mentioning Ameriplan.  I did a lot of research on them and actually found them to be legitimate.  Maybe you should look into it.  If you want more information, I'd be glad to share.


    Ameriplan Health Benefits Specialist

  3. I freelance write. Depending on the job I make between $500 and $1000 extra a month. But you have to have contacts and skill to get into it.  

  4. You could do consulting work for firms that are related to your former career.

    If you want to do something different, what about baby-sitting a few children in your home?  This would allow you to make money and expose your child to socialization.  Plus, if you decide to have more children, he would already be used to sharing you!

  5. Have you thought about getting a job at a gym as a child care provider?  A lot of places like that will allow you to bring you child with you, and give you a free family gym membership - plus most have really good flexible schedules.

  6. There are so many ways to make supplemental even full income at home. After so many searches, I found a way that has made some money for money. But it needs hardwork at the beginning and the money starts coming in. Just click on this link and download the instructions and follow it carefully: You can copy the url to your browser.

  7. Consider a home based business, that you an start on a small scale.

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