
Any advice on orphaned kittens?

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I came across 3 orphaned kittens and i'm pretty sure i'm doing fine with them but i'd like to make sure i'm not missing anything. The popular guess on age with them is about 1 1/2 - 2 weeks old. they arent drinking from a bowl yet so i'm feeding them kitten formula out of a medicine syringe. (They cant figure out the bottle) I've cleaned them off with just a wet washcloth cause they were really bad covered in poo. I'm using a warm washcloth to help them with using the bathroom. I've been using a heating pad under the pet carrier ( on low) to keep them warm at night. with a blanket over the top of the carrier. (Using a large dog pet carrier for when they're and we're sleeping). They have a towel lining the bottom of the carrier with an an absorbant pad in the middle and paper towels on top to help catch what doesn't make it into the litter box. then a small box that they like to cuddle in with 2 small recieving blankets. So If i'm missing anything with them. Please tell me. and if anyone know at what age they'd be ok to find a new home. Thank you all




  1. It sounds like you are well on your way to being a good kitten surrogate momma.

    I had 6 orphaned kittens a couple of years ago.  Their eyes were not open yet..I had never had kittens that young.  Below is a nice website that I used to help me figure out what to do when.  It describes the kitten's development and is broken down week by week up to 8 weeks.  It gives you an idea of how much to feed them, how much weight they should gain, when the will start trying to walk, when to try solid foods, when to try litter training..etc.

    Enjoy your kittens.

    Purrs to you and the kittens.

  2. sounds like you are doing a great job with them. just continue to keep them clean warm and fed. 6-8 weeks is a good age to adopt them out to good homes, but it might be tough to give them up after putting so much work into them. their eyes usually open around 3-4 weeks, but it can start as early as 2 weeks. if you have any questions about their healh call a vet and get some advice. and keep up the good work.  and good for you that you are so willing to love and care for such tiny helpless precious babies.

  3. You do everything OK, just one thing that's important: I don't know where you live, but if it is summer over there, then they don't need the heating system. I did the same last summer with some kittens, and I almost killed them, because they got over-heated. It was very warm outside already, and I used the heating too. My vet told me to keep them cool instead. So, if you are wearing T-shirt, don't put the heating. If you are wearing a jacket, perhaps. Ask your vet to make sure.

  4. aw congrats! sounds like you have everything under control! They should be ready to find new homes at 8 - 12 weeks! I have hand raised a litter before they become very very attached to there "mommy" and are super tame! Make sure the people that take the kittens understand that they will not be afraid of people! GOOD LUCK!

  5. Sounds like you've got it down.  

    I'm so glad the kitties found you to be their mom!

  6. you sound like you have it all under control. i have done less with a very sick kitten that had been covered in soars from head to toe, and i was only 12 at the time. they should be fine, as far as when they should be weend i think the age is somewhere around 6 or 8 wks. if you can try to line up actual homes though that would be best, because even places that call themselves no kill aren't always.

  7. As they are so young, feed them as you are with the cat formula, every 4 hours.

    They don't know how to poo properly yet as its mum would clean there bottoms, a tip what to do is, get a tiny towel and just dampen it and after a big feeding and they start to kinda settle down, wipe there genitals gently kinda like a l**k from mum cat in one direction and they should wee and defecate. In the carrier put a little litter tray in there as it is natural for them to go somewhere to poo as they get used to it, make sure they can go in the tray and the sides arn't high, properly should start introducing wet watered down food at around 3 and a half weeks to 4 weeks.

    Make sure when you spay them, that it is around 5-6months old, as this is when they should start going on heat, or prowling for the males.

  8. make sure there playing durring the day just give them some small toys, but other than that your doing amazing

  9. You are doing so well! Most people don't realize about helping them to the bathroom. The only thing I would mention is make sure you are not using a clay-based (clumping) litter, as kittens tend to eat (accidentally or not) bits of litter as they are figuring things out and the clay litter expands with moisture in their little tummies and intestines and can cause blockages and serious problems. BIG kudos to you and your mom for making sure they get spayed and neutered. You guys are awesome.

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