
Any advice on places to sleep safely for free in costa rica. Is it safe to basically be homeless their?

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Any advice on places to sleep safely for free in costa rica. Is it safe to basically be homeless their?




  1. emmm good luck with that

  2. it is ok to pitch a tent in the natoinal parks and some of the smaller beach towns.NOT in San Jose for sure.I would say you would be better of doing so in Guanacaste.

  3. Simply spend a bit of money and stay with a family, that's what I'mgoing to be doing in a couple of weeks, and in terms of sleeping outside, there shouldn't be a problem so long as you get out of San Jose ASAP

  4. Outside the cities, if you have a tent, I think it would be o.k., but don't think for a minute that you'd be safe in San Jose or Limon or other medium large cities.  You might think that being a "pseudo-poor" hipster will endear you to the population, but in the cities there are quite a few beggars that will see you as super rich compared to them, and the "well-heeled" folks and police will more than likely not respect you.  Costa Rica is beautiful but it's NOT Berkeley.

  5. Costa Rica does NOT need any more homeless bums.

    Try     couch    It's a lot of people offering a couch to sleep on for a night or two to travelers .  I've had several people stay with me since I joined a few months ago, and it's been a fun experience.

  6. In San Jose, no way!!! At the beaches if u have a tent it´s ok, but it depends on the beach also

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