my cat is about 3 and a half years old. She is very sweet and she is very observant. She follows me around everywhere and tries to do the things that I do. Her name is Cali.
Now, my question about potty training her - I live in a small apartment and have my own bathroom. The bathroom itself is small, so finding room for the litter box is tough and the smell can be overpowering even if I scoop it twice a day. I had read that potty training cats is possible, although it's easier to traing kittens. Anyways, I've been trying for about 3 months now, and as things are, I have the litter box on the toilet seat and some boxes that form steps to it. However, as soon as I remove the litter box and place the bowl in the seat, she freaks out. The toilet seat is kind of small and slippery, and she doesn't feel secure on it. I've thought about modifying a toilet seat to make it more of a platform to ease her into it. I'm looking for tips, hints, ideas, anything! All are welcome. Another thing I thought of doing (this may sound gross to some people), but like I said, she's always watching me and following me. So maybe when I go to the bathroom, I should keep her in there with me so she can watch how I use the bathroom? Is that weird?