
Any advice on taking in day old kitten?

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Me and my boyfriend just took in a two day old kitten. The mommy cat wouldn't feed him and tried lunging at him. I know about the feeding times from talking to the vet briefly, but does anyone have any more advice on taking kittens in?




  1. If you haven't already, you need to go to a pet store and get a bottle and some cat milk formula.  Keep him warm & safe and cuddle him a lot.  Just make sure that he is eating enough and don't hesitate to consult with your vet.  Good luck-that was a very kind thing to do.

  2. prepare to have little sisters cat got pregnant for the first time and as far fetched as it sounds she gave birth to 11 kittens...yes 11...unfortunately 4 were still born...the seven that were left somehow managed to...i dunno how to say it but they chewed off moms i was up and down all night...luckily you only have one...but you still have to get up in the middle of the night to feed the little of luck to ya...

  3. just give it lots of love. In my experience mother cats are strange animals at times. They will kill their young if there is something wrong with it. but since the vet has checked the baby out it  is probably ok. Just watch it closely. if you can get a towel or something with the mothers scent on it, it will help the kitten settle in. You may be in for a bumpy road. Good Luck.

  4. try feeding him/her a bottle of special kitten milk or something from the pet store, make it a little bad out of blankets with a heating pad set on low, or something like that but make sure it is not to hot, that would be bad, and just keep a close eye on him/her. hope i help!!! oh, and make sure when it's old enough to have it shots but see a vet and maybe they can give you some tips.

  5. He'll take feedings every 3-4 hours, and yes, you'll say to yourself, what the heck did I get myself into.......

    You can also keep a heating pad (lowest level) covered with lots of towels and a clock in the bed with it.  (That's an old trick), which will mimic the mom's heartbeat.

    Also, once fed, get a wet, warm washcloth and rub it's (you know what) to make them go to the bathroom.  That's what the mom does for it.

    Plus, always get it to the vet to confirm that it's ok, since there might be an underlying problem that the mom senses that isn't obvious right now.  Could be a cleft palet which is a terrible thing.  Good luck.

  6. Buy milk supplement (either comes in white liquid cans or a formula you mix up and heat for a few seconds in the microwave to warm) that can be found in the pet aisle of most grocery stores and Wal-Mart.  

    Get a syringe (minus needle, of course) from your vet or even ask a pharmacist if they can give you one (I work at a pharmacy - I'd give you one... no problem) to feed the kitten.  There are also bottles you can get from the store.  They are more likely to give the kitten gas.  No problem though.  Just burp the kitty.  

    Keep the kitten warm (hot water bottle under some towels so he won't crawl under it and suffocate or keep the kitten under a heat lamp).  You want him to stay warm, but you don't want him to get burnt.

    Good luck!

    By the way, during a late-night feeding, you may say to yourself "What did I get myself into?"  It's worth it though.  Plus, the kitten is cute.  How can you not resist?

    Here is a website that lays out what I told you in a step-by-step fashion.  (It also helps find out how much you should feed the kitten.)

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