
Any advice on what do with a 8 year old boy?

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I going to pick my nephew up from school Hes 8 I usually just let Him do what he wants. Watch p**n drink beer those types of things JOKEING but what can I do with Him. What movies are playing that I can take Him to go see. MY Sisters been on my a$$ and wants me to be a good role model He doesent have a Dad he died 2 years ago. So this is kind of a big thing I don't want to FU(K this up.




  1. This better be a real question. Right after you pick him up ask him if he wants to go for some ice cream. I don't usually know what movies are playing until I check the newspaper to see what's playing, hint, hint. If you can't go to the movies take him to the park and toss a ball around with him. Teach him to bat a ball or just take him for a walk. Please watch your language around him!! Don't ignore him, talk to him. Make him feel special with your good actions and words. Hope this helps you. You won't **** it up. Oh, and be NICE.

    Another thing you can do is read to him if your so inclined.

  2. that's good that you want to be there for your nephew :)

    I'm a girl so i don't really know what an eight year old boy


    but,you should take him to the park,take him to a toy store,

    a book store,take him to get ice cream,take him to the movies.

    think about you did and what you liked at 8 years old.

    make sure you ask him what he wants to do and just go

    from there.

    make sure when hes talking you listen and do turn away from him.

    he will know when he doesn't have your full attention so make sure you give it to him.

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