
Any advice on what i can grow?

by  |  earlier

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hi me and my children live in a 3rd floor flat and i just want to know if their are any fruit and veg i go grow in doors?




  1. I live on the 7th floor of an HDB flat and use to have a garden consisting of several different sizes and shapes of plant pots..

    : pandan leaves

    : shallots

    : Curry leaves

    : tumeric leaves

    : Chilli padi

    Hopefully u'll tried one of this method....

  2. You can buy terrariums fitted with lights, you can grow tomatoes in a hanging basket by a well lit window (upside down) or sprout mustard and cress on blotting paper in a small tray or sprout a variety of seeds in a sprouting jar.

    You can make a good sprouting jar by cutting out the centre of a s***w top lid  and fitting it with a small piece of fly screen. Keep it on your draining board. Soak seed for an hour and then turn jar upside down. pour in some water whenever you use the sink and then put back into the draining position.

    If you have a balcony a good method is to buy a bag of potting mix and plant straight into that by making some small holes with a knife and planting lettuce etc  straight into it and watering with a soluble fertiliser.

  3. I live on the 32nd floor of an apartment building and have a container garden consisting of several different sizes and shapes of containers:

    'salad mix' lettuce

    cherry tomatoes

    round (steak) tomatoes

    yellow bell peppers





    peppermint (chocolate mint of all names!)



    They're not indoors, they're on my lanai (balcony), but lettuce grows really well just about anywhere, as do tomatoes.  Just need to make sure it's warm enough and they get a good amount of sunlight.  Basil's also really easy to grow, and it smells wonderful when you brush past it.

  4. Herbs are good for small limited spaces since you won't need so much.  Rosemary, mint, oregano are good candidates.

  5. rocket is very happily to grow on a windowsill aswell as apache and chillis, try -small sized tomatoes (tumbler, tumbling tom, balconi, gartenperle, minibel, maskotka, lilliput, totem, tiny tim, yellow pigmy) and smaller fruiting sweet peppers (Cubanelle/Biscayne type, Marconi Ross, Topepo Rosso etc) and aubergines (eggplant type with fruit the size of egg). I can't see any reason why you can't have cut & come again salad leaf mix and lettuces. Apparently dwarf french beans and watercress grow well in container too and not forgetting potted herbs.

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