The last two semester's i did not do good in school, in fact I withdrew from half of my classes. I was told I would have to make up all the hours during the summer or I would be put on suspension. There was no way possible for me to complete 12 hours during the summer plus work full-time, so I just completed 6 hours. Since I did not complete the total of 12 hours I am now on financial aid suspension. I was told I could request for it to be appealed but would have to write an appeal letter. In the last year I went through a pretty bad seperation that took me back and fourth to court several times over custody of my daughter, I was considering putting a copy of the court documents into my appeal letter to show the staff that I had a serious reason as to why I didn't do as well as possible, but I didn't know if that would be acceptable. I really don't want to "air out my dirty laundry" but really need financial aid to complete the next semester. Any advice i will greatly appreciate!
Thank you