Posted this last week but didn't get much of a response.
My son got rushed to the ER on Friday last week due to some breatrhing problems. He seemed to be making sort of a sucking in noise, not like a gasp, it was high pitched horse. His chest between his ribs would suck in really deep as he was doing this. He would make this noice 2-3 times and then exhale.He seemed to be having some sort of attack. He didn't do it at the hospital so the doctors never actually saw it happen, but the paramedics did, both the doctors and the paramedics said they didn't know what it was. They listened to his chest and everything sounded fine, and he seemed pretty happy, so they sent us home. He has done it since then, all weekend and today he has been having these, which seem like attacks of some sort because they come and go. Friday was the worst one and it lasted about 7 minutes. Over the weekend and today he hasn't had an attack for more then 2 minutes. Any suggestions on what it could be? Please help