
Any advice please???????????

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i'm 13..and a proud jehovahs witness...i always get comments thrown my way that like..its a false religion and i'm in a cult and c**p..i dont know what to do..i love being what i am..but sometimes i hate to admit that i am one..any advice?




  1. Then you should not care what others say about you. You could just keep it to yourself and only tell those who love and respect you. No matter what religion people are, kids are always going to make fun of you for it. I certainly didn't go around my  school when I was younger telling everyone that I was Catholic. Imagine the ridicule I would've gotten for that!

  2. We all should respect other people's religion and beliefs.

    I'm Muslim and proud.

    If you love being what you are, then don't listen to them and take it seriously.

    Good luck xx

  3. well for a starter dont tell what religion you are, not ateast if someone ask.

  4. Standing up for your faith is never easy, regardless of what your religion.  God never said it would be easy.

  5. The reply "it's against my religion" is a poor response to the allegation of cultism.

    The questioner should learn to present her convictions as her own. Her stand and her ideas will be better respected if she has arrived at them based on research and principles, rather than based on some sense of blind obedience.

    The questioner should be ready with simple explanations that can be offered immediately, and longer explanations for situations which allow it. The flag salute is one issue which few Witness schoolchildren have trouble explaining, since it seems rather straightforward to note that "I believe God's kingdom is a real government and He deserves my first allegiance". A longer explanation might consider the account at Daniel chapter 3 involving the three Hebrews and their refusal at the government's ceremony honoring an image.

    Silly insults can be ignored by simply rolling the eyes and replying ,"I understand you're just trying to insult me, but if you'd really like to discuss it we can do that without the audience."  It's nearly impossible to have a productive conversation when an insulter is surrounded by sycophants.

  6. Jesus had to deal with hateful people all the time. Follow his example.

  7. People are always going to have their opinions and having something to say.. that's just the way we are.. If you are proud of who you are then that's all That matters. don't be ashamed. Stand up for yourself.  

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