
Any advice <span title=".................................?">............................</span>

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How to find self-confidence/self-esteem? I always got nervous and conscious when I'm face many people and when I'm doing serious things in front of many or even one person...

Any advice on how to improve it or what shall I do to gain confidence...

I have gifted mind or I'm start as I see... I'm good in math and anything but I don't got confidence...

A 15 year old Filipino...




  1. if you say you can do it than you can. ask God what to do.

  2. In school see if that have a class or after school activity called debating. Or join a Toast Master&#039;s club.

    It will be scary at first. But they know it is scary at first and they will help you through it. I did it.  it helped me tremendously.

  3. You are in the wrong section. This section is to ask questions about Disabilities and about People With Disabilities.

  4. You can do anything you put your mind to!Don&#039;t get cocky but believe in yourself,Try this,every morning when you wake up,make it a point to find three things that you like about yourself and when you run out work on improving the things that you don&#039;t like.But don&#039;t be to hard on yourself.I&#039;m sure you&#039;re a wonderful person just try to do things that bring out the best in you.Don&#039;t ever slam yourself and focus on the positive!  

  5. some people are born with confidence, some are not.. and some are complete *******, like you. get a ******* life and stop crying. you *****.

    go watch a film with your mother and drink tea and biscuits.then if ur reli bored.. jump off a ******* bridge or play on the highway

  6. Self-consciousness , &quot;low self-esteem&quot; and being Filipino are not disabilities (especially being Filipino) - and for a 15 year old, being self-conscious is really very normal.

    The key is practice. Consider joining the debate team at school or an organization that requires public speaking like Toastmasters, 4H, Boy/Girl Scouts. Other clubs like Optimists, Rotary, Lions, etc. may have a &quot;junior&quot; group for teens. These groups all require public speaking and you&#039;ll get great practice. Also, there are scholarships for successful members of these clubs.

    Besides, you&#039;ll make some good friends - and you can&#039;t have enough good friends.

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