
Any advice to an aspiring teen actress?

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What are the best ways to promote myself as a teen actress?




  1. Try to go to a Summer acting Camp in LA

  2. I'm at the same place you are right now and what i am doing is i have researched talent agents in my area and places to get head shots done and I've created a resume and hopefully i want to get everything together and submit it to several talent agencies and hope for the best :)  GOOD LUCK!!!!!!

  3. To live a clean lifestyle and know the theater.  Don't pose in photos that you will regret.  Be careful of so-called promoters.  Involve yourself in a small theatrical group in your hometown.  Read and memorize lines in plays too.

  4. get your parents involved.,  just keep acting in plays at school and in the community, take a professional class now and again

    Stay away from the web!

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