
Any advice to help me slim down? ?

by  |  earlier

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Okay, so I'm usually a health freak, but not TOO healthy. Normally, I'm on sports teams, and I used to go running everyday. For a long time I've been really sick and in the hospital and stuff. But not sick where I couldn't eat. So I've been resting and eating., and haven't been on any sports teams at all (I can hardly work)... and I'm out of shape in the process, but not overweight. I'm 5'3 and around 125 lbs with some muscle from before, so that's healthy. But I have a bit of a belly now, flabby arms and jiggly thighs... :(. I can't do any vigorous activities, and I need to make sure I eat enough, especially lots of protein and iron because I don't like to eat meat and I'm always low on iron... I drink green tea everyday because it's my favorite drink... and make sure I drink enough water... I don't eat junk food at all, I avoid it like a plague. Any tips to help me slim down and replace fat with muscle without killing myself over a treadmill or anything? I can't take diet pills or anything... I'm supposed to start modelling again! I'm worried that I will just keep on getting more and more out of shape.




  1. You might want to try some yoga, people have no idea how great it is for toning and strengthening the body.  You can use it in conjunction with some at home exercise using only your body weight.  Check out the following sites:

    You could also take a dance class, also some of the best exercise and muscle building out there, pick a style you like and if you can afford a class you may find it the best exercise you've ever experienced.

    Good Luck!

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