
Any advice you would like to give to a 15 year old becoming a sophomore in high school?

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Any advice you would like to give to a 15 year old becoming a sophomore in high school?




  1. work hard and get ready for college + life outside of/after highschool.

    yes, there is a world outside of/after highschool.

    enjoy extracurricular activities (sports/clubs/plays/etc) while you're there though.

    don't get into drugs/s*x/crime.

  2. hey im becoming a sophmore too!!

    i dont think we have much to worry about, at least not until junior year.

  3. sophomore year was by far the hardest and worst year. be prepared.

  4. Have fun now becuase your gonna go through h**l later on!!!

  5. Have fun, but i wish i would have made a goal for myself at that time and didn't worry so much about what others thought, i'm only 22 and already realized that what everyone says about the friends u have in high school is true, very few last and things change like crazy so like i said have fun but remember there is life after high school when u actually have to grow up.

  6. OH! me too

  7. Don't s***w up this year! I'm not even kidding.

    Do your very best and make sure you get good grades.

    Colleges look at sophomore and junior year for admissions.

    Junior year is h**l, and sophomore year is not half as bad.

    So get good grades this year and don't slack off.

    Start preparing for SATs.

  8. I'm 15 as well, becoming a sophmore. (WOW! We have a lot in common! lol) I take it you're female, from the looks of your avatar... (I'm not, haha)

    Some advice:


    Do the absolute best that you can.

    Remember: the performance you make in high school sticks with you forever, and can determine whether or not you go to college, ultimately determining the course of your life ( a little 'deep', hehe)

    Focus on schoolwork. Not on party's or videogames. Relationships are okay, as long as they don't deterr you from succeding in school, and keep it clean!! *cough* stay a virgin *cough*

    Uh.. yeah, where were we?

    Don't procrastinate. This is my worst enemy. You can stop by (20 times earier said than done) just telling yourself that "it has to be done, so do it!"

    I'll add more sometime... (unless you don't want me to, lol)

    Hope it helps!! It worked for me last year!

    ~Pie Guy 360

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