
Any advice(thinking of suicide)?

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I'm not sure why I want to commit suicide, but I get these thoughts constantly, I'm not suicidal because I'm depressed, but it makes me depressed wondering why I'm suicidal.......Something must be wrong with me, but even when I'm happy I have the strongest urge to just end it all. Sometimes I wonder how people would react to me dying. I feel the need to do this sometime before this year is over, I'd like to continue living, but at the same time I want to die.




  1. Okay, obviously I am not an expert of any kind. Your problem is probably psychological. You should consult with a professional, like a doctor or a therapist. My only advice (flimsy as it is) is to think of something that would keep you from harming yourself. Kinda like a reason for living, you know? If that fails buy a cat/dog. "If I were to die, who would feed my poor fuzzy-kins?!" Do you get my train of thought? :)

    Read the sites below. One of them may be able to help you.

    I hope everything turns out well for you. *Huggles!* =D

  2. Hold on Pal,

    There is some problem here with you thinking that way.  

    There may be something that you don't know in your family that has happened.

    Has anyone in your family on either side ever commited suicide?   Are there any who are mentally ill?

    If so, then you may have inhereted the thoughts and feelings.

    This is very serious.  I want you to live and overcome these tendencies to even think about the idea.

    First, talk to your parents.  Then, perhaps a school counselor or psychologist or psychiatrist.  Hope you're not taking any drugs that can cause you to think this way.

    Be sure you have a healthy diet, stop sugar now.  

    Force yourself to think positive!

  3. It seems like you can't find a reason to live. On the flip side, you also don't seem to be able to find the reason to die either.  If you want to die and see others reaction, then don't. Because you wouldn't be able to see or feel it anyway.

    I can't help you here, but maybe counselors can. If you didn't feel like talking about this with people, then why do you share this with us here. I don't think most of the people here could do you any good, including myself.

    If things don't get any better after you get all your answers, what are you gonna do?

    If you still insist on dying, then I request you do two things before you choose your method(s)

    1. Think about those who care about you before any decision making

    2. If nothing can stop you from acting on it, then have a worthy ending... save some lives with yours...

    Tsukin and Ellaa - best wishes to you.

  4. my advise is...don't

    as far as people's reaction goes..

    they'll live. if they are close to you they will suffer to an extent.

    ultimately they will dispose of you and do what it takes to get on with their lives.

    ...and then there's h**l  

  5. I just lost a friend and it has effected more people than you could ever imagine. It was a car accident and the poor friend who was driving has guilty feelings that will haunt him forever. Suicide leaves EVERY person feeling guilty along with an immense loss. It is a selfish act. Think how you'd feel if a friend comitted suicide and realise that you would evoke those same feelings in others. There are no 'do-overs' or 'take-backs'. Talk to people you know about these feelings and seek help from someone who is trained in this area.

    No need for curiousity about the after-life ... we all are going to die at some point. It's timing is not for us to decide. Life is a gift.


  6. Do you take any medication?

  7. I don't have any real advice here, but just want to say that this kind of happens with me too. Over time, I've noticed that the thoughts become easier to ignore, particularly when they occur at times when I'm mostly happy. Now I'm fairly certain that I wouldn't be able to commit suicide, even though it seemed like a possibility a few months ago.

    I hope you find some help somewhere, and something to hold onto, to make life worth living.

  8. What scares me is that I am in the same situation. I think about suicide all the time.

    I'm only 14. Sure enough I am often depressed, but even when I am happy, I still want to die. It's a curious thing the human mind...

    For now I will stick it out and I hope you choose to do the same. Sorry for not being able to offer any real advice, and good luck.  

  9. I went through the exact same thing quite a few years ago. I know what you're going through.

    I was very much depressed, and I constantly thought about suicide, even though I had no reason to be suicidal, like you. I had a pretty good life, but I just wasn't happy, and it got so bad that I attempted suicide because I thought I had nothing to lose. Only years later, did I realize that I had so much to lose, and I completely regret my suicide attempt now.

    Going through it, I thought nobody would understand, and quite frankly, to this day, as far as I am concerned, they didn't understand. Counslers told me "Go to the mental health center" yeah that was not going to happen. Or family just got angry with me and thought I was selfish, which made it worse. I became angry with everyone and wanted to be by myself.

    For a long while, I thought I was going insane, and that maybe those counslers were right and that I should be in some Mental place. Thinking back on it now, it was all a blur.

    And I also wondered what would happen if I was gone. Would I be missed? How would people react? What would happen after death?

    Now, years later, I'm still here. I think I overcame my emotions by myself, because nobody understands, unless they've been there.

    All I can say is that it is hard. And there's not much you can do about it. It will get better in time. There are things to live for. Just keep on living. People have overcome what you are going though. If they can do it, If I can do it, You can do it.

  10. dont do it man

    life isnt something u can do over again

    and if you wanna know whats in the other world well youll see it eventually dont go there in a hurry

    life is precious think of why you are on this earth, there has to be a reason i bet theres plenty of reasons, family, future family, women, kids, plenty of things to do

    dont do anything stupid because theres no do over

    let yourself do mistakes in life its ok we all make them killing yourself isnt solving anything it makes things worse for you and for everybody else

    please dont kill yourself  

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