
Any advise on how to stop feeling so guilty

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I have been breastfeeding my son for almost 11 months now. When I first started I was only only going to feed him for 3 months or so but he would never take a bottle. So now we are going to a sippy cup. I only breastfed him once today and that went ok. He did have to cry himself to sleep but it was not to hard or to long. He is doing VERY well with the change but I'm not! I feel so guilty and i feel like i am losing my baby if i stop breastfeeding. I don't want to be one of those freaks that feeds their kids until they are 10 though. I just don't know what to do.




  1. There's no reason why you shouldn't let your son breastfeed every once in a while, even after he's progressed to eating solid foods. Breast milk helps children's brains develop better than any other form of nutrition. And it's natural for you to feel that feeding is an important part of your bond with your son. I'd say, unless you have a reason why you are unable to breastfeed him - such as a job that requires you to work long hours - don't rush to wean your son. So what if most babies stop breastfeeding earlier? Just because it's the norm doesn't mean it's best.

  2. My son weaned himself at 5 1/2 months and broke my heart!

    I still get depressed when I give him the bottle..

    I don't think it gets better.. you will always miss that special bond!

    You have to let them grow up..remember that, as much as you on't want to.. it has to happen!

    But a pat on the back to you for nursing that long, wish I could have!

  3. Why do you feel like you have to stop breastfeeding now ?  The World Health Organisation encourages breastfeeding until two years of age.  I was happy to breastfeed my son until then but he decided to wean himself at 18 months, a lot of kids do.  It's only a horror weaning if they're too young.  If you can handle keeping on going for a while, even if it's only night feeds he'll be getting so much more nutrition and you'll increase his chances of succeeding in every way and preventing disease throughout his life.  Good luck !

  4. oh don't worry about it. If hes doing good without it then don't force him. Cause then you'll be back here later asking on advice on how to get you 2 year old off the breast. Dont feel guilty. as long as hes getting the nutrition he needs through other foods he will be fine. GOOD LUCK

  5. I felt the same way.  It is okay to feel sad that this stage is passing - tomorrow he'll do something amazing and you'll be so excited at how big and smart he is getting.  Don't feel guilty - you have done an incredible job at nourishing your child and you have given him a gift that will last his lifetime.  You are doing the right thing - just spend some extra time cuddling him, take extra pictures of him during this stage, and take care of yourself.  Buy yourself a new, fancy, non-nursing bra!


  6. Do not feel guilty about it. I think that is a good time to wean just because if you wait any longer it might be harder for him to adjust. If he is okay with it now, then I would continue and just try not to be too hard on yourself. Your a good mom you breastfeed for a good length of time, unfortunately for me i was unable to breastfeed for that long because of having to use a nipple shield and having inverted nipples..I KNOW TMI but There our others out there that have trouble breastfeeding, so you should be very happy that you were able to do that for as long as you could. Do not feel bad. Keep up the Good Work.

  7. Why would you stop breastfeeding? You will have a healthier, smarter son.

    Stop being so self conscious of those rare cases of 10 yr old breastfeeding. You have to stop, now is not it!

  8. I have to guess you aren't the first to feel this way.  Don't feel bad.  You are obviously not losing your baby because you are stopping breastfeeding.  I think it is great he has adjusted so well.  Have you considered maybe joining a mommy group.  They can often be of help for this transitions among other things?  Soon you will be going through all the great milestones..walking, exploring..what a great stage!   Just hang in there you are doing great.

  9. If you're feeling guilty, maybe take a step back and see if there's something triggering that guilt.  Are you feeling guilty because you think maybe your baby isn't quite ready to give up nursing?  If that's it, do you think you can continue nursing a little longer?  Taking longer to wean, leaving the naptime and bedtime nursing until the very very end is easier on the little ones.  And just because you don't wean RIGHT NOW doesn't mean you'll be nursing 'til he's 10 :) You can just take a little more time over the next several months to a year (depending on how slowly you choose to go)

    FWIW, I introduced a sippy to my daughter at 10 months and she self-weaned at 2 years.  For the last 2 months that she was nursing, she was only nursing at bedtime.

    good luck with whatever you choose!

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