
Any aggressive cichlids that can take down a flowerhorn, 10 points. No oscar or any fish that grows to 18 inch

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Any aggressive cichlids that can take down a flowerhorn, 10 points. No oscar or any fish that grows to 18 inch




  1. jewl cihlid, pike cichlid, jaguar cichlid, chocolate, green terror, jack dempsey, Buttikoferi, peacock bass, texas cichlid, serverums, pink tilapa, uaraus cichlid, these are all really agressive cihlids that will most likely take down a flower horn all accept the jewl, dempsey, green terror,uaraus get oer a foot long in length

  2. Jack dempsey is very popular and good looking fish in petstore, but comparing with a red devil, jack dempsey is no match. You can feed it once a day, enough food to let it survive, which is a healthy diet and your fish won't grow over 18 inches anymore.

  3. Jack Dempsey, Green Terror, almost any of the Cynotilapia's probably.  Given you asked a similar question about aggressive and territorial and hardy cichlids, I'm curious to what you are thinking actually.  Just because you have an aggressive or mean tempered cichlid of any lake of origin, doesn't mean it's a good fish to keep actually.  I personally think flowerhorns are ugly and hideous.  I find significantly more pleasure and joy keeping and breeding my Africans even if they don't attain the same size, aggressiveness or temperment as a flowerhorn.  I've got to say watching my male Nimbochromis Venustus take on an albino channel cat that's about double his length if it wanders into his area is a sight to see.

  4. Jack Dempsey would be my choice.

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