
Any airline pilots out there?? what qualifications do you have...what steps did u take in becoming a pilot?

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  1. I learned to fly at 17 and progressed up to a Certified Flight Instructor via the instrument, commercial and multi engine ratings. While working (and nearly starving to death from poor pay) as a CFI and corporate pilot, I built up time and then applied to a small airline. Got hired and flew as a First Officer (co-pilot) in a CRJ for 4 years, then applied for a Captain's (Pilot) job after I attained my ATP (Airline Transport Pilot) rating. I got that and worked as a Captian until I wanted to go to work for a major airline. After 2 years of interviews with every major operator, I finally got hired by one.

    Now, I'm a first officer on a B737. Pay is still poor and will be until I get into a larger ship with longer routes and more responsibility. But, in order to do that, I have to test and interview and start at the bottom everytime I want to advance. It's a lengthy process each time.

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